Don't be shy! If you have completed a painting as part of one of my MasterClass Lessons please take the opportunity to post an image of your painting and any comments in this part of the forum - just reply to this post by entering your comments in the box below and add your image by clicking on the little picture icon like this .

Since we're just starting out and there aren't many artists here I will comment on your work if I find the time somewhere. My hope is that you will all learn from each other's work in this forum - your successes and failures and encourage each other to do better. Encouragement and good advice are some of the things which keep me going so I think it's really important to get that from as many places as we can. So again, DON"T BE SHY! - we're all at different places along this creative path so we all have a unique view from where we are at the moment - 'you can only see the mountain from the valley'.

Happy painting,

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Great work Bruce. You seem to have a good handle on it. What were the trickiest areas or concepts for you to deal with?

Really enjoyed doing this lesson. Your help made it all seem so easy. Looking forward to trying another one soon. Thanks for all your help.
Cheers Bruce
Getting the correct colour and tone is probably my biggest issue and takes me a lot of time. I also have difficulty getting the finer detail right. I found the walkway and the seagull quite tricky (that is why there is only one seagull).

Still trying not to blend everything out. You instructions were very logical and easy to follow. My seagulls took more than three strokes tho'.

Hi all,

October and November last year I made a number of painitngs based on the 'beach masterclass'. I am only a starting budding painter, therefore I decided to start small (A4 size) and find the issues I would encounter. For me these were colour and how o add detail without trying to be precise, i.e. create image that he brain makes into something more than the paint shows from observing at close range.

I thouroughly enjoyed doing these. As a result I have decided to just concentrate on making colors with the palette I have, making loads of colour charts.

Great work Eric! That sort of determination and persistence will get you everywhere. That's what I call talent.
Eric said:

Hi all,

October and November last year I made a number of painitngs based on the 'beach masterclass'. I am only a starting budding painter, therefore I decided to start small (A4 size) and find the issues I would encounter. For me these were colour and how o add detail without trying to be precise, i.e. create image that he brain makes into something more than the paint shows from observing at close range.

I thouroughly enjoyed doing these. As a result I have decided to just concentrate on making colors with the palette I have, making loads of colour charts.

Here is my first attempt at a master class lesson... atmospheric perspective... I'm a bit remedial in the value department as you can see... and if I could teach the dog to photograph the paintings they might look a bit better as well... but hey that is half the fun... the practice and the training of the dog!
Hey good job Amy! Thanks for posting it up too - don't know why more people don't do that - must be shy. Looks like you really got the hang of the whole idea and I was impressed by the subtlety in your values. Nothing jumps out at me and says 'hey, I'm in the wrong place!' - so that's all good.

Amy Hinson said:
Here is my first attempt at a master class lesson... atmospheric perspective... I'm a bit remedial in the value department as you can see... and if I could teach the dog to photograph the paintings they might look a bit better as well... but hey that is half the fun... the practice and the training of the dog!
Aloha, I just spent the last three weekend studing the master class. I learned so much, but still have so far to go . Here is the finished painting, any comments would be helpful.

Robin McCoy

Hi everybody. Im a beginner. I liked the master class so much! Very good explanation, easy to follow all steps. Thanks for the lessons, Richard!
The picture
Hi Natalia, thanks for posting your picture up - good effort! Sure is interesting seeing how everyone's paintings come out differently following the same lesson. Funny seeing my beach painted by different folks around the world too. Thought you did a good job of your colors in this painting, but the drawing is quite different from mine - don't know if that was intentional or not. Keep up the good work Natalie!

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