11x14", acrylic

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Comment by Peter Edwin Barfoot on August 23, 2012 at 10:07

Absolutely, Cheryl. I think the one would be in danger of disappearing down one of those rings on the rug into a void! It's very good and, as you say, fun.

Comment by Cheryl Lipham on August 23, 2012 at 1:17

Oh thanks Peter!  This was a try at a different style of painting..ha! I hope he's not rolling over in his grave! Anyway, it was fun but difficult to step out of my comfort zone and just have at it. By the way, I DID take creative license when I came up with the rug and drape design...that's not really my combos in my living room.  Ha!  I guess I'm still insecure in my interpretations still..oh well.... It's about having fun, right? 

Comment by Peter Edwin Barfoot on August 22, 2012 at 22:29

So, so good!


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