There is a salmon run in progress and the seagulls and the eagles come to feast. Up to now, I haven't seen the eagles. With the Workshop 2 in progress I wanted to study water further and that is really hard in location. Water is just hard period.

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Comment by Denise Maxwell on October 21, 2011 at 8:29

Thanks Steve, these little plein air river paintings are 12"X9" Oil on Canvas Panels. I was out there for 2.5 hrs. once I set up. I found I was very cold by the time I completed this one. Need to start dressing for winter, toes and hands get cold first for me, or I need to get out earlier.

Thanks Otto.

Vida, yes! that water keeps moving. However I don't think a stream is quite as hard as waves to paint. Waves come in at different rates but cycle around to the same wave size after 5 waves? something like that??? The rocks in the stream are staying in place and the flow of water over them stays pretty constant. So the original water action doesn't change that much. If I could actually draw correctly at the start and follow my original notan and the sun and shadows didn't change so much the river is easier all in all,to paint. But I still will blame that troublesome water.

Comment by Steve Bittner on October 21, 2011 at 5:20
I like, how big is it?
Comment by Rick Harder on October 21, 2011 at 3:23
Denise, Very Nice !
Comment by Vida Evenson on October 21, 2011 at 1:58

I find water very difficult too.... it just won't sit in one place long enough to lay a brushstroke lol!


Love the impasto.  It has a very nice, immediate feel to it.  


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