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Comment by Annie Dalton on December 24, 2012 at 23:18

Happy Xmas to you and yours too Arjumand!  I'll try and stay out of trouble... *lol*  Love and Peace, Annie  :D

Comment by Arjumand Awan on December 24, 2012 at 22:59

Thank you dear Annie,,,Happy Chirstmas to u nd ur loved ones..Stay blessed ~*

Comment by Annie Dalton on December 24, 2012 at 22:06

Thank you Arjumand.  One of the drug series paintings is pretty confronting (inspired by Dali) and whilst I'm sure no one on this site would want to use the same symbology I'm keeping it under wraps just for now.  Maybe I'm being over cautious but experience has taught me to be so.  I did upload some work the other day on my page.  I'm not sure if you've seen those yet?  They're not great photo's but I have a few constraints at the moment.  I might upload part of the painting in its early stages?  That might give you an idea of what it's like.  I'll let you know when I'm done... :D  It's Xmas eve and I've only just put the cake in the oven!!!  *lol*  Running a little late this year.  It won't be flash but I will have cake!  *smile*

Comment by Arjumand Awan on December 24, 2012 at 21:03

When ever u want to, kindly share ur recent work with us, i would love to see them...i always like creative nd experimental work, having some theme nd message for the humanity.

Comment by Annie Dalton on December 24, 2012 at 0:37

I am currently working on a series of Drug-related paintings.  This has come about since being attacked in my home during the year.  I'm calling the series "Hello Mum".  That should give you a clue.  Art from the heart is the best kind and pretty pictures certainly have their place.  I found a book in the library the other day about "Art and Agenda".  It's wonderful that we have the net and can view the works of others.  It's one way of seeing the world from a different perspective whilst feeling the unity we have as artists.  I haven't posted my drug paintings as yet as I'm kind of keeping them under wraps. 

Comment by Arjumand Awan on December 24, 2012 at 0:03

Dear Annie, thank you so much for the u know the surroundings of an artist has an effect on his art, most of my work is about the violations of Human Rights and peace around the world...not only the problems of struggling people but one can also see a symbol of hope in my work! :)

Comment by Annie Dalton on December 23, 2012 at 23:21

Dear Arjumand, I'd love to know the stories behind your artworks.  *smile*  You seem to be in touch with the artist's spiritual journey also.  When there are an infinite number of things to paint I sometimes wonder what it is that compels us to paint a certain thing.  Sometimes something will simply grab us and so we have to paint.  I love it when that mood strikes. 

I think that a good painting takes us to another place mentally or emotionally.  This one intrigues me as things forbidden are often much more appealing.  *sigh*  It makes me think about the place from whence it was born... and where it will lead.  There is enough form to give us a clue and enough abstraction to let our imaginations run wild.  *lol* 


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