I seem to have a theme here!

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Comment by Betsy Jenkins on September 15, 2013 at 3:47

The theme is: You love the great outdoors and are a landscape painter at heart! Very nice work. Hang them, and then invite people over for a wine, cheese and art party--and make some money! I, too, like the middle one, with the stream..but I like them all.


PS. Nice digs, Jon! I really like that chest under the paintings, with that beautiful Gothic-cathedral style (hand?) carving. Wow! That's just another treasure in this artisan collection. Lucky you. ;-)

Comment by Silvana M Albano on September 15, 2013 at 3:10

Isn't it a wonderful feeling Jon! Do you have enough walls? I have just painted 3 paintings which are approx the size of yours... then I decided topaint on paper or small mdf boards! Teyoccupy less space! LOL!!!!!

Comment by Jim Haycock on September 15, 2013 at 1:20

Laughing!  Yes, you do!  But, they all look really nice, Jon!  I especially like the one in the middle -- with the creek and barn in the background.  (I "liked" it back when you first did it.)  The depth is really nice, and it has a soft but very realistic feel about it.  You really should do some more with this style.


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