8x8 oil: cadmium red, french ultramarine, pale cadmium yellow. First painting in 37 years. First ever 'alla prima'.

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Comment by Barbara Morris on August 23, 2012 at 14:13

This is a blow-by-blow copy of Richard's.  Can't believe after not painting for 37 years, the habits of painting in layers (dry below) are still so ingrained!  I started with my own composition, painting from the photo and was totally frustrated.  Soooo many times drug dark into light or light into dark on the second stroke -- also way too tight.  So I decided to 'paint along with Richard' since I have never tried loose brushstrokes or painting wet-in-wet.  I have been watching a long time and decided to finally try.  Got better when I noticed how far back he held his brush.  I've noticed also from some of his DVD's how deliverate his strokes are.  You assume impressionist painters are always just 'brushing away' and it just works out.  Still surprised (not usually in a good way) what type of stroke the brush is making;-)  The blue in this photo is a little more intense than in my painting, which is just a little grayer.  I also want to go finish the mountains, but wanted to be sure and get this in on time.  Cheers!

Comment by Anne Wheeler on August 23, 2012 at 14:04

Well done Barbara.


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