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Comment by Patricia Genever on June 26, 2012 at 13:25

You're welcome, Yirgalem.  Thank you kindly for your bread recipe also... :))

Comment by Yirgalem TSegaye on June 25, 2012 at 23:36
Wow Patricia, I can't wait to eat those things, but it can't be this week. Unfortunately, I am on a conference. Thank you, you are such a great friend
Comment by Patricia Genever on June 24, 2012 at 15:56

Yirgalem,  You don't have to use only wholewheat flour, you can use white also...  I just use what I have in the cupboards.  Eat it hot with lots of butter... It's yummy....  :))

Comment by Patricia Genever on June 24, 2012 at 15:54

Yirgalem, I am going to send you 2 damper recipes, from the Australian Cookbook which I use.  The reason for this is that I want you see how easy this is to chop and change your herbs and add/remove cheese etc. 

I don't use poppyseeds in my damper, but the buttermilk and oil give it a good flavour..  If you don't have self raising flour just add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to every cup of flour you use.  I recommend adding 1 beaten egg to this mixture if it is too crumbly.  Sometimes I add a little of grated carrot, and you can even add cooked mashed pumpkin, just make sure you drain all the water if you boil it. 

Most important just have fun and try whatever...

I have never tried steaming bread before, so it will be interesting, and neither have I heard of Bishop's Weed either, I will have to google it...:))

Comment by Yirgalem TSegaye on June 24, 2012 at 0:04

sorry, I just took a recipe I got from a friend and I didn't edit it. But,  by "everything aim flour"  is meant all-purpose flour.

Comment by Yirgalem TSegaye on June 23, 2012 at 21:21

Hi Patricia, sorry for the delay but I was busy. Here is a recipe for the bread you saw in the picture. I'am waiting for yours. Living in Addis, when described by me who was born and grown up there may not really give you a correct picture. I can only tell you that I love it! BUt, I will find some time to describe you in terms of some standard measurements so that you can get a better picture. OK?

How to cook Steamed light bread

2 Ibs. all purpose flour
3 pkt. yeast
1 tsp. bishop’s weed
¼ tsp. nutmeg
½ cup oil (cooking)
3 ½ cups water
to taste salt

Dissolve yeast ½ cup of warm water. Add 2 Ibs. everything aim flour in 3 cups of water. Add bishop’s weed, nutmeg, and ½ cup oil and knead. Cover and leave overnight at room temperature. Knead once more the next day. Pour into steamer pan and decorate by the use of hand. Keep water boiling over low heat to steam bread 3 hours or whereas wooden choose inserted in core comes out clean. Serve pungent or chilly. Makes 6-8 servings. Store covered, refrigerate or at room temperature.

Comment by Patricia Genever on June 22, 2012 at 17:04

Thanks for your generous offer Yirgalem.   When I make bread, I use spelt flour which is an ancient grain, and if I make an Aussie Damper I use baking powder as the rising agent instead of yeast.  Would you like my Aussie bread recipe in exchange for yours?? What's it like living in Addis....???

Comment by Yirgalem TSegaye on June 21, 2012 at 21:20

About the bread- if you come to Addis to visit I will make one such a bread!

Comment by Yirgalem TSegaye on June 21, 2012 at 21:18
Thanks for the sweet message. My son studied at Florence University, and he got his masters degree in Computer Science. He lives in the surrounding with his girlfriend Sara. My daughter Semhal( she is the one who told me about the existance of this site), lives in Pisa and she studies Urban planning 9Academia delle belle arte) and she will finish her studies by the end of 2012. The youngest one lives with me, he is only 11 and is in 3a Liceo, here in Addis Ababa.
Comment by Patricia Genever on June 21, 2012 at 14:09

I love your story behind the bread.  Congratulations too on your son's graduation.  Where about did he study?  My daughter studied Architecture for a year in Cesena, Italy near San Marina.. 

Your bread looks yummy Yirgalem, I love baking bread too.  :)))


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