8x10 oil on canvas

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Comment by Nancy Sands on March 30, 2012 at 9:56
Okay, okay, okay. I'll do it!
Comment by susie gregory on March 30, 2012 at 0:58

more paint more paint more paint!!!!

Comment by Nancy Sands on March 29, 2012 at 16:43
Maybe that is what I should try more of. I don't even think those pears done in ten were that loose. Maybe the answer is to use more paint to get that really loose effect. I'll just have to keep working.
Comment by susie gregory on March 29, 2012 at 10:01

and yet sometimes i think i may be too loose...i was i a plein air workshop last year with three really great artists..on the first day, i was with the first guy and i was tearing through something and he said..."whoa there!!"..so i'm trying to be a bit more deliberate.  still love the fast and loose - and that's why those ten minute studies are great - we just can't noodle that much in ten minutes!!

Comment by Nancy Sands on March 29, 2012 at 8:29
I guess I'm like you...waste not want not. I am too careful with not pouring too much paint out of the tube because I'm afraid it will not get used and will be thrown away. And yes I grew up with those starving children in China...obviously. :-). I like your idea about the darks. I love the way the shadow side of your vase goes back gently into the shadows. I tend to keep noodling too. Why can't I just leave it alone. Maybe it is because I spent so much time drawing...rendering ...with pencil and charcoal...getting that photo realistic look. Oooooooh, to be able to loosen up.
Comment by Dorian Aronson on March 29, 2012 at 4:50

Susie.Yes,  a lot of sense!  : ))

Comment by susie gregory on March 29, 2012 at 0:56

one more thing..i'm also learning that it's ok to "lick" or work over the darks - they're not supposed to be noticed...it's in the light parts that i'm really trying to be brave and forceful. make sense?

Comment by susie gregory on March 29, 2012 at 0:54

nancy - my big problem is not putting out enough paint..then when it gets low i try and use it up...i hate to waste...(remember those starving children in china?? or maybe you're not old enough to have heard that from your parents growing up..lol..)..anyway - i digress...i love juicy paint - i am trying very hard to learn to just put it down and leave it.  very hard for me because i tend to noodle...you know the old phrase.."it's never done til it's overdone!"?...sometimes happy accidents occur and i am learning to just let them be..for instance, i used a pallette knife for the lightest light on the side of the white jug..i got fortunate with the swipe and had the good sense to just leave it!...it's always a struggle, isn't it..but so much fun!!! 

Comment by Nancy Sands on March 28, 2012 at 13:37
It looks like you paint with a lot of juicy paint on your brush. It really allows your brush strokes to be evident. I have a lot of trouble working that way. Do you have any suggestions? I love the look of your painting.
Comment by susie gregory on March 28, 2012 at 13:06

thanks kiddo - as white as it is..it may be drawing your eye away from the other stuff...but at least i think it's a bit better


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