This my painting completed in Photoshop, a combination of oils on canvas board and digital manipulation. I can't see getting the oil painting completed until the new year. My plan here was to use radiating lines to create movement. The original painting is half completed and is 12"X16".

Views: 211

Albums: Workshop 4

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Comment by Susan Skuse on December 23, 2011 at 15:55

Very nice Denise.  I particularly like the colours and reflected lights you've worked into the cliff face on the left hand side, and the luminous shadows.  The contours of the rocks and grassy headland look quite convincing.  When it comes to the tree, though, I don't have the same feeling of a three dimensional object - but I guess you just haven't got to that bit yet.  A lovely painting and I'm sure its going to finish up even lovlier.

Comment by Casey Toussaint on December 21, 2011 at 22:54

This one really worked out.  Just copy it for the final painted version.


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