Karisma colorpencils on 225 grs. aquarelpaper, 12 x 18 cm.
This is my cat Yana, who loves flowers. So I draw her last year, february 2011, between a lot of them.

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Comment by Annie Dalton on December 24, 2012 at 22:58

Cats have been a favourite subject of mine in the past... even though they're not my favourite animal.  Have you heard about the "fur map"?  It's useful if you ever want to paint the little dears... *smile*  Also, using the eraser to carefully remove some of the pencil gives wonderful highlights.  Not sure if you've done that there?  (Can't tell from the photo.) 

Seeing your drawings I'm feeling inspired to pick up the old pencils again.  I stopped doing it for a while as they need framing and it's so expensive. 

Anyway, you've made this little creature look adorable.  :D


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