9x12 Oil on textured panel Plein air with Laura . It was fun but challenging because the wind was strong blowing from SF to San Jose. I had to hold to my panel to keep it from blowing away and Laura's easel was vibrating and moving around. I did the basic painting in 2 hours but added form and details at home.

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Comment by Ann Turner on July 14, 2014 at 18:04

Thank you so much my friends for commenting. Laura Xu gets the credit for finding the good spot to paint. I hope we can go again in a couple of weeks and I will try to find a nice area. To answer your comment Linda, I have just started trying to plein air paint this is my 5th try. It makes me a little nervous to try it but the experience also adds energy to your painting because you can't think about it too long just paint the color you see. I probably should think more but I just try to bash it out. Being out in the wind trying to keep things from flying away gave us both headaches so two hours were enough

Comment by Laura Xu on July 14, 2014 at 16:18

This is a great painting Ann! I really love the way you painted foreground grass and the big mass mid-ground. It is very interesting to see different version of the same scene.   

Comment by Linda L. Kano on July 14, 2014 at 12:36
Very impressive Ann. You picked a good spot to get just the right composition. You must have done several plein air work before to have the basic painting done in 2 hours. I've discovered that plein air work has its own challenges...besides wind, etc. Nice choice of greens too.
Comment by Cristina Mihailescu on July 14, 2014 at 12:03

Soft and beautiful! 


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