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Comment by Laura Xu on May 30, 2013 at 4:38
Like your abstract style!
Comment by Dorothy Debney on May 29, 2013 at 15:18

Astrid - I love your style of painting , I love your palet knife work, you have used a limited range of colours and it makes a very harmonius painting.  You are doing good work..   I am a very senior person too who wishes she had found Richards website  a few years ago.

Comment by Tom Beljan on May 29, 2013 at 1:12

The energy in the figures is exciting and purposeful. The real spirit of this painting comes out form me when I view if from a distance. The unsettled weather and waves. I like the way the sail edge is lost and found in the sky.

Comment by Astrid Buchhammer on May 28, 2013 at 15:55

THank you!!!!!!!You ar so so nice!!!!!

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 28, 2013 at 15:45

Astrid, I am right there with you. My family had other ideas for me to. But God brought circumstances into my life that have allowed me to take my passion now, late in life. I think you are doing great! Good eye for color and composition. Great paint handling. You have a good feel for it. I like your other painting "Embrace" also. I like the composition there. I am not an expert in abstract painting, I think more like a realist. But I know good design when I see it. There is a market for your art.  I see abstract works everywhere in corporate offices, hotels, inns and restaurants. If you have a sizeable body of work, you might want to locate a reputable artist rep to see if they can help you, I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

All the best,


Comment by Astrid Buchhammer on May 28, 2013 at 15:36

Thank you Betsy and to al of you.I am always very pleased!!!I know I have a long way of learning.But I love what I do unfortunately i started very late to paint.

With six years i know that is what I like to do but my stepfather had prepared a diffrent way.It tooked a long time to learn how to exist.

So thanks again and happy painting!!I am no't writing a lot I dont knoe what to write,so sorry.

Take care and god bless you all!! Warmly Astrid

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on May 28, 2013 at 15:02

Very cool!


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