16x20" acrylic from photograph

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Comment by Cheryl Lipham on February 18, 2011 at 3:06
Thank you Lyndon. Appreciate your comments!  ..but I am not an educated artist.  Do you mean there is too much light blue and there needs to be darker values?
Comment by Lyndon Baxter on February 17, 2011 at 14:18

An excellent rendition of the foreground water and beach. As far as the sea level goes, the painting is not perpendicular and maybe that is what is causing the optical illusion.

The only query I have is, the value of the blue in the ocean is it maybe a bit high in chroma?


Comment by Cheryl Lipham on February 17, 2011 at 12:23
Thanks so much Diane for the nice comments.  Yes, this beach photo was taken while my daughter was seated and looking down towards the beach.  It does look kinda funny now that you mention it!  I do love to paint the water!  Thanks again, I appreciate your thoughts!
Comment by diane boucher on February 17, 2011 at 9:28
Loveing the foreground water. To my eye the sea up in the right hand corner seems to be sloping down a little. Is it from the line of the headland or is it because paintings are so jolly hard to represent as they realy are in a photograph. :):)


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