Watersoluble Oilpaints, 15 x 20 cm, Canson Cold Pressed 400gr/m Oil/Acrylicpaper
This is the first exercise from Bold Strokes. Only 15 strokes to make this bird, which is btw a Egret, a little White Heron. But because my paint ended up to dark, it recembles more the Grey Heron. Fun to do, but it wasn't easy not to go over a brushstroke again. And I failed :( I used 17 strokes. But I'v made my first really ' loosen-up' painting.

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Comment by Riya on July 8, 2012 at 23:06

Thank you for your nice comment, Louis.
In het Nederlands heet deze vogel Reiger :))

Comment by Louis on July 8, 2012 at 22:48

Hi Rita!

I really like your control of values in this study! The painting "reads" well (back-lit with highlights on the edges) and makes sense to the observer. Well done! 

In Afrikaans noem ons die voël 'n "Reier". Mooi bly Louis

Comment by Riya on July 8, 2012 at 2:18

Hi Stephen, thank you for your nice comment. You are so right, there's a whole lot to learn from that book. Stupid that I didn't use this book before I only glanced through,...that I even forgot that it whas right in front of me ^_^ . But thanks to your question at the forum, I looked through all my artbooks and almost stumble over it.
Did you, besides your workshop10 painting, one of the exercises? I think the most challenging will be the portrait.

Comment by Riya on July 7, 2012 at 4:10

Casey and Eric, thank you both for your nice comment. I liked this exercise a lot and will do these more often, it's helping me to really loosen-up. I always put too much detail in my paintings, and it wasn't easy not to alter some parts of the painting.

Comment by Casey Toussaint on July 7, 2012 at 3:18

Nice work - I should do an exercise like that.  And you have even managed to  do rim lighting on him.

Comment by Eric on July 7, 2012 at 2:21

Not an easy task, you did a nice job of it. I may try one myself :)


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