50x76cm canvas oil painting
The Pohutukawa Trees are so pretty this year I was inspired to try and paint one the other day while at a nearby beach.
Ngunguru Beach Northland NZ

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Comment by Sandra kelly on December 23, 2011 at 18:43

Very nice painting I love your composition and subject

Comment by diane boucher on December 21, 2011 at 14:43
Hi Anne Thank you for your kind remarks it was such a lovely summer day out there. The tree name is pronounced--PO-who-to car-wha (Pohutukawa) our NZ Christmas tree because of the lovely crimsom blosom it produces at the tip of patches of the leaves just in time for Christmas. Can be all over the tree at times making for a beautiful diplay.This one was just begining it's diplay.
Comment by Ann Turner on December 21, 2011 at 14:26

Diane, Thank you for sharing this beautiful tree study. I was wondering about the form and the blossoms. Now I know the name but would hesitate to pronounce it.


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