Size 11x14 /acrylic

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Comment by Justine Wardle on April 25, 2012 at 20:55

It amazing watching peoples progress on this site and hope you enjoy it.  Try not to mix you colour to much on the canvass so they stay bright and sharp. But thats my preference you might be heading somewhere else. Great first go. 

Comment by Nancy Sands on April 25, 2012 at 11:23
Welcome to the workshop, Dana. I think you will really enjoy Richard's instruction and the many helpful and friendly artists here. You really created a good composition in your painting. I really like the way you handled the glass bottle and the leaves and orange segment behind it. Good beginning!
Comment by Dana Smiley on April 25, 2012 at 11:03
This is my first go at an on line workshop. I didn't sign up until a week before the closing so I was scrambling to get something finished. The photo is not good as I couldn't get a shot that wasn't blurry, this was the best shot. I will have to work on not only the camera work but also on the painting part. There are so many good works I feel I have a long way to go. Richard this is so enlighting as I not only need to improve on painting but also on camera work and the technology side of doing something on line, thank you for giving me this opportunity.


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