40 x 60 cm, acrylics (mixed media) on canvas.
For the snow I mixed gesso with sand.
My website is named after these chickens: ThreeCoolChickens, or in Dutch: Drie Koele Kippen.

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Comment by Pauline Le Merle on May 28, 2012 at 18:51

Hi Rita i was just reading about your painting (Threecoolchickens) and how you struggled with finishing it. I have many paintings which have ended up in a cupboard unfinished and never to see the light of day.  sometimes its good to move on but on the other hand it is a fantastic learning curve to play around with what you've got for a while and even better to end up achieving something which you are so happy with.  Well done you for sticking at it and bringing us this lovely colourful painting.  P:)

Comment by Riya on May 28, 2012 at 18:24

Hi Patricia, thank you for your nice comment.  In this painting I'm happy with the greens, but they look the same in the foreground and the background, not much change in value. And it took ages, and a lot of paint, to get these colours. So, yes I love to get some critique, I  really appreciate it if you would critique this painting.

Comment by Patricia Genever on May 28, 2012 at 12:33

Hi Rita,
I loved your novel idea on mixing gesso with sand.  It adds a beautiful touch.  I am particularly looking at how you mix and use your greens.  You have a good sense of cool and warm greens, which shows up in the foreground grass area and also in the background. If you wish, I would be happy to critique this painting for you in order for you to understand how you are using your greens...

Comment by Ningning Li on May 9, 2012 at 4:31

Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Rita. Yes, you succeded. It is a beautiful painting. Your imagination helps a lot. I like your snow business, great idea!!!

Comment by Riya on May 9, 2012 at 1:18

Thank you for your kind words, Li. This painting give me a few problems to struggle with. I'll started with this painting september 2010, and then messed-up. I almost throw it away but then I changed my mind, and so I put it away for over a year. Two months ago I decided to finish it, the brown sand became snow, the overcast weather turned into a beautiful sunny wintersday. And I'm very happy with the final painting.
In the original photo, made at a childrensfarmhouse, the cock stands for a grey door of the barn. I changed that in this looktrough at the aviary. This aviary stands a few hundred meters to the left of the childrensfarmhouse. Without good photo's of the aviary, I had to use my imagination and paint from memory and I think I succeded.

Comment by Ningning Li on May 8, 2012 at 11:05

Rita, I like this one very much, especially the design. tree chickens enjoy the valuable warm of the winter sun at the same time, one of them curious about that cock at right, very ineresting! i like the way you appled the colour. This is a very nice work.


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