acrylic on canvas, 8"x10"
(slightly out of focus, but the camera battery died so I couldn't take more. :^()

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Comment by Didi Foster on February 27, 2012 at 5:37

Hi Dee,

Thanks so much.  I have a good camera, but I need to do something about the lighting, etc. I always have trouble with it. In this case, the battery ran out and I wanted to make the deadline.   I'll look at Chris Roughton's presentation again. Thanks. Didi

Comment by Dee Berridge on February 27, 2012 at 3:00

Didi, from what I can see I think this looks good and your photo sadly doesn't do it justice. I've just treated myself to a new camera and I'm thinking of getting one of the little lighting systems Chris Roughton mentions on this workshop's Main page. Good photos make such a big difference. The planes on your pears and the transitions on your jug look great. Good job.


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