This is Sam, our very cool Yellow Lab.

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Comment by Pauline Le Merle on May 1, 2012 at 6:32

Sam's lovely you've captured him so well:)

Comment by Lanny Sherwin on April 2, 2012 at 16:06

Thanks, Tricia! I have to admit, I felt really good about this one! I've only been painting less than a year, so I feel lucky to have zeroed in on Sam this well. That being said, I have been drawing for several years, and my painting teacher always says that most painting problems are really drawing problems at the beginning. All the black and white drawings are pencil except for the cow skull, which was charcoal. That one took forever! Thanks for the comments, Tricia!!

Comment by TRICIA TATHAM on April 2, 2012 at 13:16

Have just started putting my work in Complete Artist - and came across your site.  Love Sam - I have tried a couple of animal paintings - so hard to capture their character.  You have done such a great job.  Love your black & white drawings - are they pencil or charcoal? 


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