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Comment by Ningning Li on October 26, 2013 at 6:32

Pauline, I am so glad that you like it. It really makes me work. I am still waiting for more suggestions before I make a final touch. Ann and Michael gave me valuable advice. Michael gave me detailed guide which helped me tremendouly.

Comment by Pauline Le Merle on October 26, 2013 at 4:17

I like this very much Ningning,  the colours in the leaves are so vibrant  and i really like the warmth of the trees and their long shadows very nice painting! 

Comment by Ningning Li on October 19, 2013 at 17:44

Thank you Elfrida.  Still learning.

Comment by elfrida schragen on October 19, 2013 at 16:15

The shadows make this for me!

Comment by Ningning Li on October 18, 2013 at 3:29

George, Thank you for your time to write this detailed  comment. You point out very important rule of painting. I will remember it. I will go back to check my work and make some adjustment. Warm light, cool shadows, cool light , warm shadow. golden rule. Thanks a lot! By the way , I mentioned to my sister about you, an artist friend from Rumania. She was very happy and let me tell you that she said hello to you.  

Comment by Ningning Li on October 18, 2013 at 3:20

Ann, Thank you for your observation and good idea. Apart from other suggestions, taking out that orange half tree is great. Yes, you are so right, it is distracting.

Thank you also for your encouragement. In fact, I was not brave. I was ignorant and did not know how difficult it would be by using knife for big area. I did not know the danger. Then it was too late, I had to force myself to go ahead. The good thing is that I am not afraid of using knife now though I can not contral it well.

Ann ,  again  I appreciate your help very much from the very bigenning to now.

Comment by Ningning Li on October 18, 2013 at 3:04

Manneherrin, Thank you for your suggestion. I will  do it.

Comment by George on October 18, 2013 at 1:23

Your painting is impresive and very acurate/real. Congratulation! As it looks like, having the long shadows the sun is at its 5 - 6 h pm. Light is warmer at this time as your sky is showing. Shadows are at their place but their value and hues must be as per the golden rule; warm light = cool shadows, cool light =  warm shadows. So I would corect the shadows on the grass by mixing cadmium orange with burned umber and a little of burned siena. The resulting color should be a warm dark. And I would take out the blue color from the grass and stay with it over the path only adding to it a bit of alizarin to turn it into more violet. Same think can be applied for the tree's leaves adding a deeper contrast on the shadow side. Happy painting!

Comment by Ann Turner on October 17, 2013 at 18:53

Great light and color in your leaves. Well done and brave to use of a knife. Put your side walk leaves in little family groups with long blue shadow just as you have painted the shadow for the trees. The distant objects, sign,  small trees and perspective of the side walk going into the distance all work to balance the trees and add interest. Take out the orange tree on the left, it is cut in half and draws attention to the edge of the painting and is distracting.

Comment by Manneherrin on October 17, 2013 at 16:45

Hi Ningning.. love this.. the trick to making the leaves look like they are sitting on the ground is to give them a shadow.. the ones on the ground are fine but I would give the leaves on the walkway the same color blue that you gave the tree trunks.. you have lots of high chroma here but it works especially with fall leave.. :D


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