100cmx72cm Oil on canvas

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Comment by Ningning Li on November 3, 2013 at 14:43

Ann, it is so nice of you  acompany and support me from the very beginning up to finish it. You must notice that I changed that half red tree to a green one. Thank you for your aluable advice. I do not like the tree trunks. But that is my limitation. I will keep on improving. Would you please let me know when you upload any new work here so that I will go to enjoy it. Again, Ann, Thank you for your care and wisdum.

Comment by Ann Turner on November 3, 2013 at 14:08

Congratulations ! You finished a lovely painting. Your color is clean and clear. I like the way that your shadows cross the sidewalk and change color from grass to sidewalk and then back again. The blue of the shadow and the blue of the water nicely compliment the strong orange of trees

Comment by Ningning Li on November 3, 2013 at 11:49

Walda, thank you. I will not use knife  for big area painting again. too difficult to control. Can not wait to see your version.

Comment by Walda Juhl on November 3, 2013 at 10:56
I like your painting! i hope mine can turn out as well! It's very cheerful yet calming Your distant water is great!
Comment by Ningning Li on November 3, 2013 at 9:43

Thanks to all whom encouraged me and helped  me by your valuable advices. Finally I finsihed it.  If there is something improved lets share the happiness, if there is still something not very elegent that is because my level of painting and I will keep on learning hard and progressing.  Your critiques and comments are warmly welcomed as always.


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