40 x 50 cm, Acrylics on canvas.
Because I wasn't able to use internet, due to a broken line, I didn't start with the workshop painting. But now that is fixed I'm not sure I have enough time left for the barn with the chickens. So I'll put in my latest painting, finished two days ago.

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Comment by Riya on July 18, 2012 at 1:52

Thank you, Pauline, for your nice comment. I'm sure they are very happy, unfortunately the weather here isn't always so beautiful. It's already raining for days, and cows seek shelter under the trees, with their calfs. But I've seen calfs who seem to love running and jumping around in the rain and puddles. Which child doesn't love that, no matter the child is a calf ^_^.

Comment by Pauline Le Merle on July 18, 2012 at 1:44

Lovely painting Rita, Gorgeous and very lucky cows i think! :-))  

Comment by Riya on July 15, 2012 at 20:05

Patricia and Dor, thank you both for your lovely comment. It was so much fun to paint this, I still can't stop smiling when I look at it.
Dor, I love Holland cheese too :)), I've tried many different sorts and taste and I like many of them, especially matured and old cheese, and the first grasscheese. I'm sure it's because of these happy dutch cows, happy that they are out on the meadows again ^_^.

Comment by Patricia Genever on July 15, 2012 at 14:08

Such cute cows... Love it.  Well done Rita!!

Comment by Dorian Aronson on July 15, 2012 at 13:06

They look like good producers!  I love Holland cheese.......: ))


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