Linda L. Kano


Meadview, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
slightly impressionistic
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
water soluable Hoblein oils
Are you a full time artist?
Some Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Claude Monet
Lynn Gertenback, a Modern Master
Do you have any goals for your painting?
Started painting 1 1/2 years ago when I retired. Focusing on composition, proper color mixing, creating pictures that have depth, and discovering my personal style.

Comment Wall:

  • Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson

    Hi Linda
    I am more than happy to be your painting friend. I look forward to having discussion with you :)
  • Ningning Li

    Linda, thank you for inviting me. I am very happy to be your friend. Happy painting. Li

  • Michael J. Severin

    Thank you for the invitation ..very honored to be painting friends!!!!

  • Jon Main

    Thanks, Linda! Let's enjoy the journey!

  • Walda Juhl

    Thank you Linda for the invitation to be a painting friend! I really enjoy these workshops, don't you? I started full time painting after retirement too. I'm a nurse so surely didn't have time before i retired although I always loved art & did drawing, crafts etc. Where is Meadowview? We wintered the past 3 years at Lake Pleasant, AZ (35 miles north of Phoenix) i've been taking watercolor lessons from an artist i met in Scottsdale. Love my winters! WALDA
  • Joe La Bianca

    thx for accepting. Yes, we love Gettysburg. Great place. :)

  • Laura Xu

    Linda, I am very happy to be your artist friend.

  • Pamela Meredith

    thank you Linda for your comment on my cable car much appreciated

  • Jendrawan Husada

    Thank you Linda for the kind comment on my SF street scene, I took some liberties with it :-)

    Love your rendition of it, it shows your familiarity with the scene.

  • Jendrawan Husada

    It'd be a pleasure Linda

  • Jendrawan Husada

    Hi Linda,

    well, why not give it a shot, 6 colors and 3 brushes (#10, #6 round and #6 rigger) are all you need.  Your oil work is already awesome, I like your brushwork in particular one landscape and one seascape.  I'd be glad to paint along with you :-)


  • Mariangela Margoni

    hello Linda, thank you for your artistic friendship!

    I like your painting style and the choice of subjects .

    I' ve been drawing and painting since I was a girl because in my father's family were a lot of painters-fresco painters and decorators.
    Since I retired I attend the free courses at the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, and now  the courses of Richard, but I should work harder!
    So ... happy painting!       Mariangela

  • Michael Chomse

    Hi Linda, thanks for the friend request. It's a pleasure to be accepted into the company of other artists, yourself included. 

  • Mark Coombe

    Hi Linda

    Thanks for the comments, yes I have been a photographer for many years, do commercial work but the passion was always outback, cattle mustering, horses etc.. I grew up on a large cattle station and was always around horses and cattle. Anyway I did a photographic trip many years ago (1994 I think) with an artist called Phil Richmond, he was very good and was painting what I was photographing. At the time I wished I could have painted and have always wanted to paint since. 

    So finally in March of this year I finally bought some paints and have been struggling along, trying to learn as much as I can. It was great to find Richard's website and I have worked through most of his training material. 

    This was my first workshop so look forward to doing more and continuing to learn.

    Cheers Mark

  • Pamela Meredith

    thank you Linda

  • Beverly Alldridge

    Hi Linda:
    Lovely smile in your photo.I enjoyed viewing your art. I particularly like the ones with the loose brush strokes. Very evocative of a mood.


  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    Good morning Linda. It is raining much needed cats and dogs here at the moment, again...or is that still? Thank you for being a "friend". You are living the life I had hoped to before the bend in the road took me away from the possibility. When my house sells, I will be relocating to central CA, as in Bakersfield. That is where my youngest son, one daughter and 5 grandchildren reside. There will be lots of coast painting opportunities as well as farmlands, mountains, lakes, forests...about anything one could want within a couple hours driving. CA is quite beautiful, not excited about the loss of freedoms and high taxes though! Just time, (at least my kids think so) :)

  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    I moved back to Prescott in 2002, I was raised here, was very happy here and always missed it. That was the "good" bend, new life on the way. The "bad" bend was when my parents followed me within 2-3 months, and my path never got farther from Prescott (literally and figuratively) than caretaking them. Dad passed 8 months after moving, mom is 88. Dialysis, hospitals, all that and more. Thankfully, one of my brothers has moved to Prescott after falling on hard times, and I'm starting over, once again. So once more I'm looking at a "good" bend, just not the one I had envisioned!

  • Roena King

    Thank  you for your comment on my WS25 painting.  Fire in the Sky #3.  I appreciate your encouragement very much. 

  • Robin Hicks

    Thank you Linda, that's kind of you. lake Gairdner is in the Gawler ranges in South Australia, west of the Flinders ranges. This painting is the road near the huge salt lake ( 99miles long x 30miles across)

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks for the like Linda! Happy Thanksgiving :)
  • Carolyn Brunsdon

    HI Linda, I saw your comment on Donna's JV workshop of the Grand Canyon. How are you coming along? My eyes are totally crossed on this one...SO much to judge and compare! I'm sick of looking at this and want to move on, so will be posting it in the next couple days. Way behind in other paintings. RR's workshop isn't going to happen, too much ice and cold to be out. Will be using his good plein air instruction come Spring! Haven't been on line much, pretty slow, but to be expected this Holiday time of the years Hope all is well with you and yours and you are painting madly.

  • Cristina Mihailescu

    Hi Linda and thank you so much for the friend request and for taking time to look at my paintings,I appreciate it! I am happy to be your friend!

    Warmest regards,


  • Colleen McCafferty

    Thank you for your friend request Linda. I'm very happy to be your friend!
  • Lori Ippolito

    My deepest sympathy on the loss of your dad Linda.
  • Lori Ippolito

    Wonderful that you made the trip when you did - certainly time and more memories to treasure.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers:)

  • Silvana M Albano

    Of course Linda!!!! I was surprised we were not friends!!!! It is as if we were friends for a looong time already!!!! :)!

  • Olivia O'Carra

    Glad to be your friend Linda and so sorry to see you have recently lost your Dad

  • Fay Thomson

    Thank you for your friend request Linda.  I would love to be your friend.

  • Carol GRACE de SOFIA

    Thank you Linda for your comment on my SPARKLING SANTIAGO.. I am also in the search of my personal style... HAPPY PAINTINGS!

  • kevin miller

    Hello Linda!  Yes, I remember your paintings after looking through your work! You seem to be doing well with your painting efforts.  There is some very nice pieces in your collection. I very much enjoy the VAA coursework and the people.  Great interactions over there and a good compliment to this site.

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Linda, Thank you for the nice comment on Mr Bear!  :)   I found scratch art 11 months ago while on a trip to the UK.  I visited 5 different artists I had met online and one in Southern England was a scratch artist, and a really good one also.  She let me have a few scratches and when I returned to Arizona I got some scratch supplies and as he say the rest is history. :)   Several nice things about it is that it's not messy and you can start and stop without fear of having problems restarting..  I use watercolor paint for my coloring..  I have a paragraph about scratch art explaining it and would be happy to send it along if you are interested.  It's a great medium for doing animals and especially pets..   Chuck :)    XX 

    PS   where is Meadview, AZ????