Candi Hogan


Las Cruces, NM

United States

Profile Information:

How would you categorize your painting style?
painterly representational, impressionistic...?
Which medium do you prefer? eg. oils, acrylics, etc.
Not sure, have been working in Water Soluble oils and watercolors, some pastels.
Are you a full time artist?
Full Time
Who are your favourite 2 artists?
Manet, Degas
Do you have any goals for your painting?
to learn and improve
What's your website address? (If any)

Comment Wall:

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    A warm welcome to our world Candi.

  • Steinunn Einarsdottir

    Juaquin Sorolla is one of my favorite artist, such beautiful light in his creation. There is so much to learn.:) 

  • Lori Ippolito

    Welcome to our community Candi! You'll find so many wonderful people here & terrific talent! Glad you've joined us!
  • Dorian Aronson

    This is delightful, I am so happy to be your friend.  I am honored.........Smiles to you :-)

  • Lori Ippolito

    Thanks for the request Candi! It's my honor to accept!
  • Silvana M Albano

    Happy to be your friend Candi! I appreciate you looking at my paintings! Painting is an incredible hobby for me, and I love being at the site! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!! :)

  • Judith Diskin

    Hi:   So glad you liked my Path.   I enjoyed doing this one.   I like you Mexican picture.  The brushwork is terrific.    J.

  • Olivia O'Carra

    Glad to be your friend Candi and welcome to the Complete Artist. It is a great site which unfortunately I am finding less and less time to visit myself.

    Glad you enjoyed my blogpost

  • Michael J. Severin

    Hi Candi.  Very happy to be your friend!!!!  Welcome to the Complete Artist Site!!! :)

  • Cristina Mihailescu

    Hello dear Candi! Thank you for the friend request, so happy to be your friend!! Welcome to the site! You have a lovely style and your paintings are beautiful!

    Did you lived in Colorado - Littleton, too? How nice! 

    Best wishes and Happy, happy painting!! :-)

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  I appreciate your nice comments on my Husky #2   Scratch art is fantastic for animals.    tks again..  Chuck  :)  XX

  • mario alberto velazquez

    Hi Candi, thanks for your invitation to be your friend,So happy to be your friend in this site, thanks again !

  • Colleen McCafferty

    Hi Candi, thank you for the friend request.  I'm very happy to be your friend.  Sorry for the delay in responding.  It has been very busy here with the Easter break!

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Thank you for the comment on my roadrunner.  This one was taken from a photo of a 'runner' in the Mesilla Valley.   I saw it when I searched on Paint My Photo..  Love the Cruses area.   I'll be watching for yours..   Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Thank you for your comment on my bears.   Scratch art is a fun medium..  Here's a bit I've written about the process.   

    I start with a scratch board I purchase from an art supply store.  It is 1/8" masonite with a layer of white clay followed by a layer of India Ink.  When I purchase them they are perfectly dull black.   I then us a piece of of white transfer paper or a white pen to put onto the black surface the basic outline of my subject.  I then make a series of small fine scratches around the outline to mark it in case I happen to rub the outline off with my wrist or hand.  Once that's done I look at my subject and make base scratches to mark the general direction of the scratches in each area.  And then let the scratching begin.  Once I've scratched the entire piece I check it and if I'm pleased I will apply the first of two or three coats of watercolor paint (thin coats).  After paint dries I scratch again and repeat until I'm satisfied..  Once I've decided it's finished I sign it and spray with a polyurethane spray gloss finish.  This protects the work from possible accidental scratches.    And that's how easy it is to do..   :) 

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Sorry, I haven't been in Cruces for some time now!!   A number of years ago I had a store in Deming and spent quite a bit of time in Cruces.  Haven't had a burger and fries at "Dicks" in quite some time..  :)   I enjoyed your area..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Ngaire Lincoln

    Hi Candi, I love your paintings!  I haven't done any for a while because I have had a sick husband but I am back now and able to join in.  Ngaire is a Maori name (native to New Zealand) I think it means muddy water??? :)

  • Chuck Warner

    Hello Candi,  Thank you,  for your nice comment on my quail..  I am going to get back to doing some watercolors again.  Hard to believe I've not painted watercolors since last August.  that's  almost a year..  phew time flies.. 

    There are quite a few nice desert scenes to paint in Cruses and the surrounding area.   There are a lot of old building in and around the Mesilla Valley area.  

    Chuck :)  XX

  • Susan Burke

    That's the best of all worlds, Candi, you have the Irish charm, the German discipline and the Italian food!!!!

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  thank you I would like to send an e-mail with some of my watercolors attached for you to look at.  Would like your opinion too.  My e-mail address is  If you want send a note and I will reply with an e-mail with photos attached.  As for scratch art, it's sort of time consuming, but you can really achieve great detail.  Especially the eyes and fur.   I find feathers a bit harder.  I'm going to teach a class in scratch art this coming Thursday to a group of 6-8 people over in  Pinetop/Lakeside, AZ.  I am going to have them do a rooster, if I send you photos I will include the rooster.  It's a 3 hour course and gives them basic tool handling.   

    You asked about time.  The first ones took more time, 5"x7" would take 16 to 18 hours, but remember I had never done scratch before, now the 5"x7" take 10 to 12 hours.  My 8"x10" works take 15-18 hours.  Remember, I scratch the entire work and them apply a watercolor wash, let day and scratch again.  Do this process 3-4 times..  finally I spray with a protective coat of polyurethane glossy, before matting.  Are you interested in doing some scratch art?   Chuck :)  xx

  • Susan Burke

    Don't we all!

  • Ningning Li

    Candi, thank you for your invitation. I am very happy to be your friend. About plein air, I do not have a lot of experiences. The demo of Richard showed the procedure of it. It is very helpful. If the weather is so hot, please keep yourself safe inside. Maybe, you can practise wet on wet. Then when the weather is cooling down , you can go out to paint plein air. As you know how to paint wet on wet, you will be more selfconfident paint on site. Am I right?

    I am living in the city of Lima, at coastal area. The highest tempreture is90, lowest34. humidity 75% to 100%. That means sometimes we are just like a fish living in a satuated water air. Interesting, isn't it.

    Happy painting,


  • Ningning Li

    Candi, you are right, Peru is a developing country with rich history and culture. I am so happy to know that you joined the workshops of plein air. I checked the photos of your teacher Saim. Very beautiful. I am sure that you will improve a lot through the time. Keep on working hard even you are a talented girl. Waiting to see more from you.

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  You know, I like that beak also..  Tks  Chuck  :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  I did a pet portrait for a lady in Virginia who had lost her 16+yr old corgi.   When she got the piece she wrote me thanking me and said she saw it and cried for two days..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Thank you, "Bella" was a real project, a lot of different shadows and coloring..  but I'm pleased.  Gentleman is coming by this afternoon to pick it up.  I hope he's pleased with it also..   Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Thank you!!   My wife is a breast cancer survivor and she wrote the poem that goes along with the roses I send.   So glad you got the scor-pal and the stuff from Clear Bags..  Big money savings there too.. Sometime order a few of their double mats for a trial..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Chuck Warner

    Hi Candi,  Thank you for your comments on "Harvey".   I understand about super busy... Will hold up on everything except art..  No need to rush on sending me anything..  I am rooting for you and your sales.  I've had a bang up summer.  From June 1st until this past week, total of over $2000.00 in sales..  Chuck :)  XX

  • Jon Main

    Thanks, Candi - it's a pleasure to exchange ideas on this interesting journey!

  • Roena King

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my eagle, Candi. 

  • Roena King

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my painting Sydney's Rose. My last painting I did in a more direct way, no underpainting.  Did you see that one with the crystal and eggs?  I have a 5 part video on that one.  The last 3 of them shows really close up me painting.  They are on my Roena King Artist YouTube channel. Roena

  • Roena King

    Candi, I only today saw the friend's request.  I would have accepted immediately had I seen it.  

  • Robert H. Smith

    Candi, I have been using just Walnut Oil that you buy at the store.  I am about to order online the medium recommended for the Cobra WS Oil paints just to see what kind of job they do.