Still loving trees and playing with light and texture. This is from an area near the Atlantic where there are lots of narly trees reflecting the many storms of life.

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Comment by deb hill on January 21, 2014 at 8:33

Thanks, Borg. This was one of the best paintings I have done... according to me! I will miss it. But feel appreciated! :)

Comment by Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson on January 21, 2014 at 8:06

Nice one Deb :)

Comment by deb hill on January 21, 2014 at 7:52

Nice to know this will be in my friend's home. Just sold it!

Comment by deb hill on May 11, 2013 at 22:41

Borgrimur, This is so interesting...I have had 2 comments on two older painting this week and both came in while we are at Ocean Isle working on our friend's condo. Painting walls instead of canvas though! Both paintings were done from photos I took here too. It is one of my favorite places and now the condo walls look great too!

These like oaks are amazing to me. I was disappointed not to be able to stop and take a pic of a dead one the other day. It would have been awesome to paint. In particular they are an evergreen, but look more like a deciduous tree. They can grow quite large and spread and twist all over.

Comment by Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson on May 11, 2013 at 22:12

Deb, this painting is super nice. Really interesting composition and I cant believe you have trees like that to paint. I´m jealous :)

Comment by deb hill on October 23, 2012 at 6:33

You must go paint!!!! I love these live oaks and fell in love with them when I was in college. They surrounded the campus, Thanks so much Angela.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 23, 2012 at 2:52

Deb, I was just looking at this painting again and it is really terrific.  My daughter just moved to a house with a whole bunch of California live oaks in the back yard.  I have got to go there and paint some of the incredible patterns made by the leaves and branches of her trees with the California chaparral in the background.   Stu

Comment by deb hill on September 30, 2012 at 9:58

Well, I missed you Stu. The Patch is a 32 oz. can and if I recall correctly around 7 to 9 bucks. Thought that was a great break. My son just called to say that I had a painting sell today. Yeah!

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on September 30, 2012 at 7:42

Deb, that Elastomeric Custom Patch, smooth does sound pretty high tech.  I had been using either Golden's "Coarse Molding (sic) Paste" @ $13.29/8 oz.jar or Liquitex's "Flexible Modeling Paste" @ $11.69/8 oz jar and then several coats of gesso on either canvas or panels.  I switched about a year ago to Liquitex's "Super Heavy Gesso" @ $28.00/32 oz jar (about 1/2 the cost).  I still put a couple of coats of gesso over this, and for about 2 years I have been adding casein to my gesso for strength and better adherence of oils.  I add a 3.75 oz bottle of Richeson's Casein Emulsion (Blick--about $8) to 8 oz of Blick Artist's Acrylic Gesso.  I like the durability of the surface and the slightly warmer tone of white from the casein.   I usually use a large stiff bristle brush (2") to apply the heavy gesso or a lage palette knife.   I really like the surface.  I do often underpaint with acrylics and have noticed no problems with these materials.  I will have to check into the "Elastomeric Custom Patch, smooth".   I kind of dropped off this site for a couple of months, but I have been painting all along, just not doing the competitions or posting here.   Stu

Comment by deb hill on September 30, 2012 at 6:43

I was looking at modelling paste but it is very pricy, so I have used Elastomeric Custom Patch, smooth. (Don't you just love that name!) It is flexable, crack resistent and dried over night. Maybe a third the cost of paste at the art supply store. I really like it and have another canvas started with a different texture. Glad to see your painting and need to check on Chris. Sure are lots of new folks on here.


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