Hi guys, been down here in Glenorchy for 3 weeks now, trying to paint around the inclement weather. When it's good it's amazing, when it's bad it's really bad, but at least it brings with it the hope of more snow which makes everything that much more paintable. Got a sore neck at the moment. I think it's from twisting around all the time to see the views here. There's quite literally a painting around every corner.

When you move to a new area it takes a while to get used to painting the new subjects. I'm normally painting beaches and coastal landscapes at home up North, whereas down here it's all mountains and rivers, different sorts of trees and grasses in the landscape, rustic buildings, and besides that a whole different palette of colours. Each new painting brings more confidence and the promise of a better painting next time. There sure is nothing like good old fashioned brush miles to make you feel like a painter again.

All these paintings have been painted 'en plein air' - on location.

Painted from the view out the window in the spare bedroom! Sort of plein air then, except I was warm and the scene wasn't.

Glenorchy waterfront. (First painting I did here 2 weeks ago).

Over the other side of the Dart River, on the way to Kinloch. The mountains here are ridiculous. There are a range of stunning mountains close to here called The Remarkables. And they are. My Californian friend (Hi Scott!) inadvertently called them The Respectables one day. It will not soon be forgotten.

On the way to the Rees Valley. Autmun's hanging in there.

The view from Paradise. Painted yesterday afternoon. Man it gets cold fast when the sun goes behind the mountains!

...more to come!

Happy Painting? Yes sir.

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Comment by Cristina Mihailescu on May 30, 2014 at 10:39

Stunning! l love all of them! Take care, have fun and Happy painting!

Comment by Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson on May 27, 2014 at 8:04

Nice Richard. 

Comment by Luz A. Montoya on May 26, 2014 at 0:12

Good example Richard.  Always learning new approaches to painting. All of them beautiful.  Thanks for sharing. 

Comment by Michael J. Severin on May 25, 2014 at 8:34

Beautiful work Richard!! :)

Comment by Rodrigo Leal on May 23, 2014 at 19:41

Hej Richard,

I wish i could be there with that cold weather and learn with you "plein-air", cause the environment must be amazing. I liked your paintings very much. I hope you can tell us a lot more through a few videos. Enjoy your stay there.

Comment by Jessica Futerman on May 22, 2014 at 20:39

Gorgeous paintings; gorgeous country!  

Comment by George on May 22, 2014 at 20:11

Sounds like a great fun even if it is cold. Nature does not take into account the convenience of the artist or visitor. Extremes have always to do with pure beauty. And you did transfered that beauty in these paintings!

Comment by Ana Murza on May 22, 2014 at 13:39

This paintings are better than any professional photographs. Happy painting!


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