My name is Rhonda.  I live in Vancouver, Canada.  I started painting after some major health issues about two years ago. I was told that I had a limited amount of time left in this life.  I have always wanted to paint. So I decided now was the time.  When I do actually get into painting the joy and freedom I feel is amazing.  I am in that moment and no other.  

I started in acrylic and have done more buying in those lovely art stores then painting.  However, i did produce a few quite amazing pics if I don't say so myself.  i was painted completely photo realistic animals and have had many professional artists tell me I could sell the paintings I did.  But then I decided i Needed to learn landscape so my animals were in a landscape instead of just having mostly stumbled backgrounds.  

And somehow I went from that idea to here.  I have always been the person who has to start everything from the very beginning but as my head keeps getting in the way I jump to far ahead and then think I need to start again and so on….   I just purchased Richards tapes and decided to try oils.

 So I have been painting in oil for about 2 weeks.  I was thinking of joining the next workshop but I can't figure out how to find it and see what it is.  I have been having a lot of trouble with the paint.  It is like toothpaste and I can't mix or spread it properly or I put a little medium in and it is thin and icky .. Any suggestions would be helpful at this point.  Should I start at the beginning with colour class or just start painting or do both??  I feel a lot of pressure about time and what I want to accomplish.  My goal is to paint a beautiful painting for each of my family members.    

I am very excited to be able to talk to other artists.  Does your head tell you, you aren't good enough too??  The self talk and confusion is holding me back from the joy of just being free…. 

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Hi Rhonda,
Sorry to hear about your health issues, they certainly do help to put your life in perspective and make you aim for your most important goals. Seven years ago I had a brush with cancer and like you, I turned to art to help get me through!
As for those pesky oil paints! Well, where do I begin! I do not know too much about them as I usually use acrylics or watercolours but when I do use oils I only use a low odour white spirit with them .
To find the Workshops press on the Workshop bit at the very top of this page and it should take you through to the instructions, best to join it after Christmas but until then look on You Tube for Richards' videos or investigate the free painting lessons on this site too. Just put in your E mail address and Richard will send you the free lessons over a few weeks.
As for never feeling good enough at painting, I think we all feel this but just keep on painting through the negative feelings, paint for yourself and just keep on exploring what your paints can do for you
I hope that this has been a little bit helpful!
All the best

Hi Sarah,

Thanks so much for your reply.  It was very helpful. When I started painting a few years ago, I started in acrylic. I just put my hand into oils about a month ago.  I am going to work between the 2. Landscape and such with oil and realistic animals with acrylic.  I was real lucky and ended up painting under Terri Isaac.  You should look him up.  He is a realistic wildlife painter and he actually wanted to put one of my paintings on display. For the last 7 months I have not been doing hardly anything.  I sit in my art room and buy more stuff and organize more.  No longer. I belong to Virtual Art Academy and am going to work at that and do Richard's monthly paintings and play with my acrylics with my wildlife.  Sounds like a big load but I have lots of time and I am going to pace myself.  HAhahaha!!  You'd have to know me to find that last part funny.  What do you like to paint?     

Hi Rhonda,
Glad that my reply was helpful. That's a first in my book, lol!
I like to paint landscapes and my favourite medium at the moment is Acrylics. I try to like oils a bit more but I find that I'm too impatient and then I make lots of muddy colours. At least with Acrylics , they dry quicker and, therefore muddy colours are avoided.
I like the sound of your Studio, mine is a shed at the bottom of the garden which is a lovely retreat in the summer but very cold in the winter. All my stuff is back in the house now and I'm looking forward to painting again in the New Year.
I shall look up Terri Isaac after I have posted this reply. He sounds very interesting.
A Happy New Year To You and I shall look forward to seeing your paintings in the workshops :)
Take care
I've tried sending a message to you through your page but it won't go through to you either!!!
Hi Rhonda, hope all is well with you at this writing.... I just found this site and noticed a few VAA members on hear also.... That's so cool... Getting info from two wonderful artist is great.. So have you gotten your brushes wet yet?
I have purchased the color master DVD and will start it when I get home from vacation... Till now, reading all I can get my hands on.... Isn't technology grand!!

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