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I'm seriously considering the Color Theory Course.  Any comments on whether to go with the download or the DVD?


Finally I managed to download the materials.  I am so psyched about getting started. I've been playing with color for a long time, but this could, and I hope will be, a source to pull it all together.  Thank's, Richard.

The fun part is making the cubes. :0)


Ha!  You are so right.  I printed them today and finished the black and white one.  It will be amazing if I can get through them all over the weekend.  I also saw that they seem to be repeated  further on in the course, or maybe I'm imagining it. Phew, just a little bit of patience. ;- )

John P Garrett said:

The fun part is making the cubes. :0)


Hi Brandon, I watched the video on making the cubes, I have always wanted to purchase some color cubes and set them up outside in the sun and view/paint/observe them - can't find them anywhere, if you made some for us, how much would you change? :)

Brandon Nixon said:

I made it through the holidays and finally got my color cubes completed. You can check them out at my blog post at Instead of using the paper ones I decided to make wooden ones. I have 5 children and the paper cubes would last...uhmm...about...30 seconds! It was fun and really made me work to match the colors on the lesson cubes. Some were easier than others...Really fought the violets!

Now I am ready to start into the other lessons. I will post some pics of each lesson as I complete them. Thanks for taking the time to create these lessons Richard!

Brandon Nixon

Received my Mastering Color DVD two days ago and have had a run through, it is great, so much information my head was spinning.  This weekend I will be making the cubes, so cannot wait.  Thanks Richard for all the tips.

Can anybody recommend a good glue to use when building the paper shapes?

I have tried white glue (very messy) and double sticky tape (not strong enough - objects come apart as soon as I move them).  Is there a magic applicator of some kind? 

Any insights much appreciated.  BTW I really liked the painted wooden blocks but I have already printed off a large pile of beautifully coloured photo paper....



Hi Kit -

I don't know where you are, but if there's a Staples near you I found this permanent glue tape that works well.  It comes in a funny looking applicator that you roll on.  Just the right width for the cube tabs.

Good luck!


Ciao a tutti.Sono arrivato al quinto caèitolo del mastering color, non riesco a capire come fare il color charts, qualcuno mi puo' aiutare? GRAZIE.

Hello everyone. I arrived at the fifth caèitolo mastering color, I can not figure out how tocolor charts, someone I can 'help? THANKS


I used a Matte Finish Sealer called Modge Podge Matte Sealer. I just buy a bunch of cheap brushes at a craft store to apply. It dries clear and it is water soluble so you can rinse out the brushes with water.


Have to say I am just loving Mastering Colour.  Thank you Richard for this amazing course.

After watching the DVD I printed off all the PDF files (except the pages that needed photo paper) and had them spiral bound into a book that I can pick up and read any time as well as having it at hand when I do the exercises.

I am now more than half way through the Predominance Charts which, far from being tedious, have been a labour of love.  I so enjoy doing them.  They have already taught me so much more than any other colour charts I have done.

* Developing confidence arranging and mixing paints on the pallet..

* Exercise in appreciation of and facility with creating even tonal steps between lightest and darkest values.

* Appreciation of the variations that can be obtained from just two!

* Valuable reference for finding the closest desired hue for future paintings.

I have used 8 colours in my charts - Transparent Yellow, Cad.Yellow Medium, Red Gold, Napthol Red, Permanent Alizarine, Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue and Pthalo Green  as well as Titanium White with Interactive Acrylics.

Can highly recommend taking the time to create this valuable resource.



Hi everyone - you must all be very busy doing this course and have no time to continue the discussion on your progression as there has been no activity here for a while.  Hope all is going well.

I have just finished making all the cubes and have bought a shelf container to keep them in as they took so much time and patience to make and look fantastic all together I am now a bit precious about them.  We had loads of fun last night building all sorts of combinations of value and color pyramids, buildings etc - no harm in a little incidental learning for the kids!!  Kids have a short school day today so tomorrow I will get started on the activities.

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