Another of the Let's Paint New Mexico paintings. 12 x 12 Water Soluble Oils. As usual, comments appreciated and taken to heart!

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Comment by Candi Hogan on September 18, 2015 at 9:16

Michael, I think I'd better just start over :)

Comment by Michael J. Severin on September 18, 2015 at 9:02

Candi, in the resource photo, the sun is coming in from the left the entire structure, including the peppers, is in  shadow. ....and thus, much darker then the background ...squint at your photo and you will notice this.  Now, you have painted this with the light coming from the right, that means you need more  ..a lot more ..warm light hitting the peppers, posts, brick wall, facade, flower pot, bushes, etc.  Then the interior would be dark can imagineer some plants in shadow on the other side of the brick wall.  You also need some cast shadows from the bushes and trees on the road.  I would prefer to have the lighting come from the left as the photo shows.  That way, you would have interesting back lighting with very, very interesting rim light sparkling all over the place ...especially on the top of the pepper shape.  Hope that helps, Candi? :))

Comment by Candi Hogan on September 18, 2015 at 8:24

Michael, the woman that started Let's Paint New Mexico, Dee Sanchez, posts the photos that we all paint from.  If you want to take a look, the group has a Facebook page that we all have been posting to  (there is a website also, but not kept up to date).  I really did not want to do this one, but I did, and hopefully I learn a little something  every time I paint (especially with the help I get here).

 I did paint that area, it is a very pale color, but his photo is not that good, when I repaint will re post.

Comment by Michael J. Severin on September 18, 2015 at 3:04

A little of both Candi.  From the resource photo, I cannot really tell what the quality of the light is it overcast or sunlight? .....  a very difficult photo to paint from were given an uphill battle from the very beginning.  I would suggest that you take a close look at your value relationships. ....take a close look at the value of the entire foreground structure and especially the peppers ..squint when looking at your photo, you will see what I am referring to.  Light:   Being in New Mexico, I assume there is warm sunlight on this scene kind of looks like it in the photo? ...I would suggest you warm up this painting by putting the sunlight into every color facing the light ..avoid using so much white is making your painting look cool and chalky.  Look at your photo very carefully and pick out the nice warms and cools being reflected ..especially the warms.  BTW, that space between the structure and the peppers ..I think you forgot to paint that area? ...that space is a continuation of the tree.  Whew, good luck Candi.  Did you choose this photo or are they given out randomly to the artists?

Comment by Candi Hogan on September 17, 2015 at 23:37

Thanks Michael!  Can you just clarify on the bushes?  Not sure  about them, Jeri said they should be more blue to reflect the sky, but think I've read that the tops should be more yellow green? (for this I was thinking more fall though).  Finishing up another painting, and then have a computer guru coming to fix my computer before it crashes...won't get to this for a couple of days. 

Comment by Michael J. Severin on September 17, 2015 at 17:19

Hi Candi.  Not to bad my friend!! ...It is awfully difficult to paint from a photo that you did not take ...the photo looks very, very challenging, but I think you did an admirable job.  I do agree with the comments made by Jeri and Jon.

Comment by Candi Hogan on September 17, 2015 at 5:40

Thanks Jon for your input!  I didn't like the original photo that was given to us to paint for one of the challenges for this show, and I really stalled on trying to paint it.  Painted others out of order before returning to this.   I  could not come up with anything to do with it!  Glad I did paint this though, because I learn a lot from my friends on the Complete Artist! 

Comment by Jon Main on September 17, 2015 at 5:03

Candi, my thoughts are that large geometrical forms (like that roof)  'challenge' the composition (the front flower pot is cropped by the frame/edge too) - I would have thought it would be better to zoom either out (building smaller) or in (much les building, more flowers and cat).... I have the idea that, after concept (what's it about?), composition is the most important next point

Comment by Candi Hogan on September 17, 2015 at 3:35

Hey, me again Jeri!  After I posted this I got to thinking about the bushes, aren't the tops supposed to be more yellow green and the bottoms the blue?

Comment by Candi Hogan on September 17, 2015 at 3:24

Thanks Jeri!  Agree with everything you are saying, other than the bush on the edge I feel like I need that to soften the path.  Especially agree with lightening and brightening the bushes in the background.  There are a lot more colors in the chilis that are not showing up in the photo,  I have yellows and oranges in them too.  I thought putting in that mountain from the right brought your eye  Going to add more color to the kitty, great suggestion! Appreciate your input!!!


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