These fishing boats were tied up at the dock in the lovely Italian island, Procida

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Comment by Silvana M Albano on February 15, 2016 at 13:06

Well! I love painting small because I finish the day I start painting!!!! The tricky thing is that when it is uploaded the details are seen better and what you don't want to see it is seen bigger....!!!! 

Love your subject Jessica, though I would add some darker darks.

I understand Michael! It has happened to me more than once....

Comment by Michael J. Severin on February 15, 2016 at 11:45

Hey everyone, I have been sitting here for an hour writing an exhausting critique of this painting  and some possible solutions ..when I hit the Add comment ..nothing happened .. so then I hit a wrong button and lost the whole thing!!! ...  do not have time to retype that whole darn thing again .. so, Jessica a nutshell .. your values, color, and edges ... please review how you handled them.   ....arrg ....very frustrating! :(((((

Comment by Jon Main on February 15, 2016 at 11:09

Sounds good! I didn't realize it was so small! Bon courage - look forward to seeng any developments you come up with! (1 inch = 2.5 cmm approx)

Comment by Candi Hogan on February 15, 2016 at 10:41

I know what you mean Jessica!  When I used to paint, my average painting was around 4 feet by 3 feet, now I am painting 6 inches by 6 inches. I feel they are much tougher because I can't get the freedom of movement with these!  (sorry, don't know what that converts to in cm's).  I love this subject!!!

Comment by Jessica Futerman on February 15, 2016 at 9:24

Thanks a lot for taking the time to give me your interesting & helpful comments & suggestions, Jon & Candi.  Yes I think you are both right - I will soften the horizon line & some edges in the background.  This is a small canvas (20 x 25 cm) which I don't usually use for a subject like this, (smaller paintings were requested by the gallery), and I'm finding this style of painting quite tricky!  But I do like the subject, so might try a bigger painting & try to do a better job on the values.  Yes, Michael's comments are always excellent -  hope he does well in the competition!  

Comment by Candi Hogan on February 15, 2016 at 5:40

Great start Jessica!  Love your boats and sky!  It does seem, though, that your water is sloping a bit to the foreground , and I agree with Jon, think your land mass towards the end could recede back a bit further, and the horizon softened.  Let's see what Michael says!  By the way, one of Michael's paintings is in the Bold Brush Competition and deserves to win...everyone vote for it!!!

Comment by Jon Main on February 15, 2016 at 5:13

Nice, subject, Jessica (I love this sort of thing!) - seems kind of a bit 'unfinished to me (If I may say?) - I would  re-assess the values and separate them into 3 or 4 groups (darks, dark mids, light mids/lights) and then go back over it with thick paint trying to get color variations into the main forms and softening/losing quite a few edges (esp. the 'beach' and horizon). It speaks to me and I think it the basis is very sound and well worth developing. You could try and catch Michael and see what he thinks ( if like me, you value his analyses....) :)


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