chinaman's bluff workshop 2, 8x10 oil on board

He everyone! Looking forward to your comments and help. I had asked how to do lots of trees together and Richard gave me some excellent insight (thanks much Richard!). I have so much to learn still! This was taken with my iPhone as I do not yet have a camera. Hopefully that will be taken care of before October 21st. No matter really, I think even with the iPhone you all get a good idea of what I did (and didn't) do.

Views: 365

Albums: Workshop 2

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Comment by Vida Evenson on October 12, 2011 at 12:50
Stu, yes it does help lots :)  Thanks for the ideas.  I am taking that class.  Right now I'm supposed to be on Larry Seiler's webinar but I can't get in.  It's 2:50 am now and I've missed nearly the entire class...  My browser window (firefox) keeps getting jammed up.  I am extremely frustrated at the moment.
Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 12, 2011 at 10:27

Vida,  I am also taking a trees course with Johannes Vloothuis on Wet Canvas Live starting this coming weekend; if you have never taken a course from him before, I think you will be delighted.  I agree with Diane about your left bank: under the bank, where the sky does not reflect you need to darken it slightly and add a different color.  You may want to try a brown made with your ultramarine blue and either burnt sienna or transparent earth red; this will warm up the shadows there and add visual interest.  I would also work on the lower right corner; it needs something, maybe it should be darker with a little more color.  For the water, gray and lighten your blues with the same pigments plus white as they receed.  For moving water, look at Xiao Li's work from the same reference; she gives the has a lot of movement of water downstream.  Your brushwork is nice and loose and your trees are well done.  Hope this helps.


Comment by Vida Evenson on October 12, 2011 at 7:38

Diane, thank you so much for your input.  I just signed up for a workshop on painting trees and I would love one on painting water!  I can see how changing the color on the left bank would make a difference.  I guess it looks a bit empty and flat the way it is right now.  Also, I think the colors may be a bit too lively (looking at the orange on the bank) and perhaps still too green in some areas.  Question:  if the water is flowing from the background to the foreground how might I create that?  Anyone?  In the meantime off to look for the answer online....


Thanks again :)  I have been painting by myself for a few years now (lived on a small Greek island with minimal internet) so this is really nice for me (have recently moved to a Greek mountain village with *real* internet).  I am learning tons here and yes, feels like I'm meeting a few painting buddies myself :)

Comment by diane boucher on October 12, 2011 at 7:24

Lovely lively colours Vida . Maybe some more definite strokes in the water to show the direction it is flowing as it comes forward down the valley would be good. At the moment it is for the most part side to side action?? Also I would like to see you choose another colour diferent from the water to mark the edge of your left bank to give it a little depth with maybe some downward strokes. Loveing your light effect.

These workshops are such great fun aren't they and such a great learning tool. I hope RR keeps them up for a long time. I feel I have so many new painting buddies:)

Comment by Vida Evenson on October 12, 2011 at 1:30
oops!  Thanks Stu... I thought I read that well..... (oh dear... and it wasn't like he had the READ THIS SLOWLY... NO REALLY in bright red to get our attention) lol....
Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 12, 2011 at 0:10
Visa, sorry about the typo on your name in my comment (I called you "Visa"). You need to change the tag on your photo to "Workshop2" with a capital "W" and no space. See Richard's instructions. Again, nice work.
Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 12, 2011 at 0:01
Good job. Your trees came out well. Nice atmospheric perspective and focal point. Good brushwork.


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