My 4th oil painting, Coldingham bay in the east coast of Scotland in the winter. A local hotspot for Scottish surfers.

Views: 117

Albums: My Oil Paintings
Location: Scotland

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Comment by Suzy Johnson on January 24, 2012 at 2:03

I've enjoyed viewing your paintings. I particularly like Coldingham bay and the way you've brought focus very subtly and nicely to all areas of the painting. The colors are warm and inviting, I can almost hear the heavy surf in an otherwise quiet coastal scene.

Comment by Odd Arnulf Johansen on December 9, 2011 at 4:42

Hi and thanks remarks. You living east side and I at west side of the North sea NICE !  Here living on an island right outside Bergen. Have a nice evening, here snow and storm at moment.  Regards Odd


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