This was another assignment in my watercolor class. The teacher chose the image w/o the head. She thought it was too busy and 'normal' with the head. It's not a perfect photo, but...

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Comment by Delores Rhodes on May 3, 2012 at 18:10

Thanks Morgan! I'm glad it could send you off for a quick, albeit imaginary, vacation. Thanks for the kind remarks.


Comment by Morgan Phillips on May 3, 2012 at 1:19

This painting makes me want to escape and go kayaking. Being able to take a break from life for a brief moment while looking at a painting to me is a top level achievement by the artist....I am there with this one. It makes me imagine myself there experiencing the scene/idea....

Comment by Delores Rhodes on April 29, 2012 at 5:13

Thank you Stu. I've darkened that hand a couple of times, but it's still too light! Oh, well. Getting the reflections in the water was a learning experience. No idea what I was doing, just playing, but I've reasonably happy with it. There are places that can be improved, but it's finished. That's a big step for me. I often become frustrated and never finish a painting, which frustrates my teacher as she can't critique a half finished painting. Finishing...that's my goal now a days. :-)


Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 27, 2012 at 15:09
Delores, this is very nice work. Stu


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