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Comment by Ningning Li on August 24, 2013 at 12:56

Oh, my dear classmates Laura and Jon, you make me smile. I am sure that, under the help of Michael, I will try my best and show you something at the end of next month. Michael is such a generus artist, I can not thanks him enough. I do not know how advanced you are in this theme. We all can learn a lot from Michaels experiences, don't we?

Comment by Michael J. Severin on August 24, 2013 at 11:01

Hi Ningning.  You really don't want to paint these the same way as my trees.  that is because the trees in my painting are more sparse then these.  I have a lot of violet in my trees, where as these would not.  Let me mix up some colors and get back to you.  Basically I would mass in your tree with a mid dark orange/green (Yellow, some Aliz. Crimson and  a little blue).  Mix your secondaries and tertiaries for this.  Vary this color ..I see some warm and cool.  I see a mixes running from  yellow/oranges to  red/oranges, as well as greens.  Make sure you put greens in that mass!   As you go toward the light, lean the mix more toward yellow (warm)  I see 4 values in this tree ...look very closely and paint them that way.  You might want to move your highlighted shapes (lightest light leaves) ..more over to the left as it will be your focal point?  Also, you might consider changing the ratio of the painting.  Keep the long side, but raise the short side.  I would paint the background trees the same, but put your atmosphere color (grays) into the mix.  You must keep the tone of your sky somewhat gray ..not this blue because it will compete with the tree and it will force you to paint the tree some unnatural bright colors.  A grayer sky will make your tree colors sing.  Of course that goes for the water also.  To keep color harmony, your tree trunks could be painted with the same colors ...mixing them into cool and warm grays of 3 or 4 values to describe the from of the tree trunk. Anyway, try that and I will do some mixing on my end and get back to you.

Comment by Laura Xu on August 24, 2013 at 10:48

this is so beautiful photo. yes, I am looking forward to see your painting too.

Comment by Jon Main on August 24, 2013 at 10:23

Great - looking forward to seeing it!


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