Oils 24x32 cm. Tried a mountain scene of my own... As I was painting I though of how would a person look at it and if the sight would lead you out of the painting...BUT HELP!!!!I need bibliography and the input of people who know!! Comments and critiques are obviously welcome!

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Comment by Silvana M Albano on August 10, 2015 at 12:50

Thanks Michael!!! I've just seen a brown line at the side of the mountain hut which is completely out of place.... I'll try to give it some variation... I really appreciate you stopping by Michael!!!!! :)

This is a very known Mountain Hut in Bariloche, Cerro Catedral. I've been there two or three times... such a beautiful place, but that was about 20 years ago!!!! I should take my kids... you must sleep there. And we did so 'vivac'. A lot of people go there for climbing those rocks....  If you or someone would like to see more images of the place you can google images of ' Refugio Frey' . I've taken my reference pic from there!

Comment by Michael J. Severin on August 10, 2015 at 12:34

Great work Silvana.  I absolutely love the color harmony you choose!!!  I love your bits of warm tone throughout your predominant cools ....really makes those warm notes sing!!!  You have really nice repeats of the peaks and echoed by the peak of the roofs.  The contrasts of the diagonals and verticals make your painting exciting ..we feel that we are in the mountains!!  Those orange shutters ...great!!!  Your strongest colors are located at your focal point ..everything else supports it.  Now, are we looking at the house in a side view or are we looking at the house as 2 sides?   Either way is good ...I would prefer the side view.  Great work with your edges, Silvana, ...the peaks look like jagged rock!!   ..great job, Silvana!!  :)))


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