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Comment by Mike on March 24, 2016 at 13:09

Thank you Ana, Your input and suggestions are really appreciated. I'm working on my color pallet and hopefully get these things worked out,

Thanks on the posting info I'll check it out. 

Comment by Ana Murza on March 24, 2016 at 12:38

One more thing. Did you intended to post this painting in the monthly Workshop? If yes when you downloaded the picture of your work, you go down through those squares or rather rectangles till you'll see the one which sais TAG. click in there and type Workshop52 starting with capital letters and no space between the words. Actually, if you are a  workshop member, you just click on Workshop from the top of the page, than go down the page and click on the Workshop52, under the "Discussion Forum". That will take you into the page where Richard explains so well how we can post your work in the Workshop. Cheers!

Comment by Ana Murza on March 24, 2016 at 12:00

Mike, cheer up! It's pretty good. All you need is a bit of life in your palette, in this case you need red in your mixes like burnt sienna, transparent oxide red, terra rosa. You know the rule of thumb: red, yellow and blue make a good painting. Now, yellow does not have to be yellow as a hue, pure colour, yellow ochre, raw sienna and any other that has yellow in it will do. I assume you know  but I am telling you any way: Burnt sienna and burnt umber are earthy colours and suppose to go into yellow category but because they are cooked in fire the red shade comes out, where, raw umber and raw sienna will remain in the yellow category because they are not cooked in fire. You also can use Alizarin Crimson or Cadmium Reds depends on your artistic taste and subject. I hope I did not bored you, please discard  what ever is not applicable for you and most important keep painting!     

Comment by Mike on March 19, 2016 at 8:45

Will I finely finished not to happy with it I think I killed a couple things. This is oil 14x18, this was a good challenge.


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