20 x 29 cm, Watercolour on 300 g/m² Canson Montval Cold Pressed Watercolourpaper.
Not my best watercolour, but I'm happy with most of it. I started months ago and finaly finished it today.

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Comment by Robin Kirkey on October 4, 2012 at 11:22

I love this one.  it reminds me of the greeting cards my family sent one another in the early 1900s.

Comment by Alyson Champ on September 13, 2012 at 0:36

The colours are very pretty and fresh.

Comment by Sharon Casavant on August 23, 2012 at 0:00

Lovely inter-action of flowers!!

Comment by Riya on July 8, 2012 at 20:09

 You're welcome too, Patricia ^_^. I'm using a HP all-in-one deskjet scanner, and it makes my paintings also too bright. Sometimes they look great but most of the time I think the scans are far too light and bright. Sometimes I make photo's and use them, but this time I've changed the set-up off my scanner a little, so it resembles the original painting more. I'll keep an eye on your painting... :))

Comment by Patricia Genever on July 8, 2012 at 14:41

You're welcome, Rita. I know what you mean about the colour differentiation.  My paintings are brighter when I upload them too.  I have been using an Epsom scanner which makes my paintings very bright.  I will be using the Canon scanner from now on, as the colour is true to the original.  I am about to upload another copy of my Candy Lane painting on the Canon scanner.  Have you look you will see the difference....   Good reminder to look at the painting in the mirror.  Thank you my friend...  :))

Comment by Riya on July 8, 2012 at 2:37

Thank you, Patricia. The more I look at this painting, on this website and my own, the more I like it. That happened with more of my paintings, so I'll try to wait with my own critique till I've uploaded my paintings. They look different to me, better and with brighter colours, but that's just optical illusion. It also helps with finding flaws in a painting, just like looking at it in a mirrow.

Comment by Patricia Genever on July 7, 2012 at 11:20

A beautiful bouquet of flowers Rita..  Love it!!!


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