Well, I'm still here experimenting in the fields below Fanjeaux... ...nah, actually came home from work and did this over 'Twilight'...

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Comment by Jon Main on June 21, 2014 at 5:18

It was something like this (without the hard edge due to computer manipulation!) before I decided to 'improve' the sky - still shouldn't take long to have another bash

Comment by Jon Main on June 21, 2014 at 4:50

Thanks, Michael for your encouragement!

Thomas - yeah, you're right - I painted  over a previous painting and the sky was OK - dunno why I went over it! - now I'l have to do it again - but it's a good point - ta!

Thanks, Jessica - yep, need to adjust the sky first, then thos foregrund grasses..

Kind of you to drop by, Ruby! - ta!

Comment by Ruby on June 21, 2014 at 4:27

lovely work Jon

Comment by Jessica Futerman on June 21, 2014 at 1:11

Lovely - really has the feel of the countryside with the beautiful fields & the hilltop village beckoning!  Just a thought - maybe change the line of clouds just a little so it doesn't follow the line of hills?  Really like this painting!

Comment by Thomas Ruckstuhl on June 20, 2014 at 10:41
Nice one Jon! Like the color and variation of the fields and the compossition. The value contrast in the sky is somewhat strong.
Comment by Michael J. Severin on June 20, 2014 at 10:34

Jon, this is very good!! ....a great "pattern" composition.  Your colors harmonize beautifully and there is a sense of spacial depth.....that is created by your wonderful darks in the foreground!! ...that straight road in the distant hill ...I would "ditch" that ...it is not needed to tell your story ...it is quite distracting from the patterns you have set up.


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