Plein air 11' by 14" oil on textured panel. Windy day at Fort Baker, Marin side at foot of bridge. Painted with Laura Xu and my Saturday plein air group. I was able to partly block the wind with my SUV and painted under the tailgate, hanging on to my paint box at times. Laura was shivering with blue lips but a good painting. Stu

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 20, 2014 at 20:42

Thanks Ann.  Laura is a very energetic outdoor painter.   She is making good progress.   Stu

Comment by Ann Turner on April 20, 2014 at 19:54

Great job Stu ! The perspective of the bridge is well done and I know from experience that is a challenge. Laura is a trooper to keep working so hard on her plein air studies


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