did this experiment from my photo of a little hilltop village as twilight fell - now I'm thinking I'll go back and do it as plein air in the sun (if it's sunny!) - any suggestions? - especially about the composition? - I tried moving the village left and it looked weird

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Comment by Jon Main on June 14, 2014 at 6:04

Karlo - thanks a lot - that acrylic and watercolor are great - I noticed you've taken great advanatge of the skies - that's probably rare in paintings of hilltop villages since they obviously tend to be high on the canvas! Nice! I was thinking of getting my acrylics out. I understand the points you make - ta!

Anne - I've said it before, I'll say it again - your coments are very helpful - ta to you too!

Stu - wow!!! - thanks for taking the effort, man! I agree - that's a good compo - I had a preconceived idea that it would be good to divide the painting with those big bushes/tress - I should know by now that preconceptions are bad and you need to keep an open mind/clear head - if I go back (my wife aint keen :( ) I'll track around to see if I get a better vantage naturally. You are so right about warming the trees too!

Thanks for looking in Britt and Jessica - it's sure appreciated!

Comment by Jessica Futerman on June 14, 2014 at 5:20

Look forward to seeing what you do with this, Jon!  

Comment by Britt Greenland on June 14, 2014 at 3:20

Nice, Jon! 

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on June 14, 2014 at 2:06

John, I would rearrange this a little (you can probably just set your easel up over to the left a little and not have to rearrange objects) to move your hilltop (focal point) over to the left so that it doesn't compete with the foreground trees.  Warm the dark foreground trees and move them over to go off the right edge of the canvas.  Here's my very crude pencil sketch to illustrate this.  Keep your saturated colors in the foreground.   Your warms and cools in this look very good.  Stu

Comment by Ann Turner on June 13, 2014 at 18:41

I like the road leading us into the painting. The warm hillside moving the viewer toward the village and road is nice. The bushes need to be trimmed down or leave the biggest darkest value out altogether. Watch your shape don't let those bushes be round and boring. It would be nice to see some light hitting the village as your focal

Comment by Karlo Bonacic on June 13, 2014 at 10:47

the composition is not so bad to me...the tree in the front is taking big part because it is the stronger value..It would be nice without it also (with this road leading towards village..). Or to try adjust other values (darkening the value of the left side trees and right tree)..I dont know if helpfull.. Also maybe would be worth to enhance somehow the village  (to divide the roofs and walls or similar..) I attach two of my similar - same village in acrilic and watercolor, but maybe can be helpful for ideas


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