Oil on MDF, 9 x 12",( 23 x 30.5 approximately)


Well, this is it for this month. I had a great time working on these. I loved taking the photos of Paa Beach and turning it into something that works for me. Something familiar and lovely to my heart. Thank you all for your input. Happy Holidays to you :)

Views: 271

Albums: Workshop 4

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Comment by Vida Evenson on April 23, 2012 at 17:34

Hi Nancy!

Stu is wonderful isn't he?  He has been so supportive and just so darned nice.  I hope he comes to Greece to visit me some day.  

I would be very happy to help you out and show you what I've learned from Jo as well as others.  You should see last years paintings compared to today.  I am amazed at myself, frankly, and have finally found great joy (and yes, frustration too), in painting.  If you want you can email me at vidamel at gmail dot com.  Everything Jo talks about is in that landscape from photos class.  All the other classes just go deeper into it.  Jo repeats the same ideas over and over, which has also really helped me.  Then I had the great luck to attend one of his workshops.  I came back 5 years ahead of where I was before.

If you want send me one of your paintings and we can talk about it.  I'm happy to give back all that I have learned.  Where do you feel most uncomfortable when coming to your easel?  Is it composition?  Is it color mixing? What about your inner feelings when you approach a painting?  Are you aware of what's happening inside?  

Painting, for me, has been a wonderful path to self exploration and growth.  Johannes has been vital in giving me tools to use along the path.  I hope you will let me help you in any way I can. 

Have yourself a most beautiful day Nancy,


Comment by Nancy Sands on April 20, 2012 at 9:45
Hi Vida, Stu Gourlay told me to check out your work because your are participating in Johannes Vloothuis' online workshops. He said you have learned a great deal and it shows. I was amazed in the growth I am seeing from the first workshop you did to this gorgeous painting. I, thanks to Stu, I have just jumped in and did his recent one on rocks. I also downloaded his first 4 lessons on painting from photos. Anyway, I would love to chat with you to find out what it is that has helped you improve so tremendously.
Comment by Vida Evenson on December 27, 2011 at 19:52

Thanks for your welcoming words.... This is such a beautiful process isn't it?  I remember 2 months ago I had no clue how to paint a tree.  Now I'm more comfortable with them and moving on to more learning.... it keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it?  I think that's what I love about painting.... that there is always a challenge.... there is always a new level to reach and that each level is more rewarding than the last.  

Comment by Dorian Aronson on December 25, 2011 at 12:02

Breathtakingly beautiful Vida. Everything about it is awesome! You are an artist in everyway.

Comment by Paolo Puggioni on December 25, 2011 at 10:00

I agree with Casey, really original, it's lovely! Lovely colours and brush work Vida.

Comment by Matt Sisk on December 25, 2011 at 6:07

Vida, I really like the calmness that this peace make me feel. Great colors! I love that you put your own spin on the scene we all saw. NIce warm/cool balance. like the looseness of the strokes and the sky rocks! 

Dig it! :)

Comment by Casey Toussaint on December 24, 2011 at 21:58

Beautiful work - very different from all the other entries.

Comment by Nancy Sands on December 24, 2011 at 21:24
Lovely painting, Vidal. I like the gentle soft feel, the warmth and the way the viewer's eye is led into the scene. Really good job.
Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on December 23, 2011 at 11:55
Vida, nice painting. Stu
Comment by Vida Evenson on December 23, 2011 at 6:48

Hazel, thank you so much!!!!  Wow.... a vote already :)  Have a very happy Christmas!


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