Was at a plein air event yesterday - lots of visitors (they even announced it on local radio!) - not many artists!(my painting looks like something you dig up in a junk shop - and it's still on the easel - is that what they call vintage style?! ;( )

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Comment by Christine Kirton on October 15, 2013 at 8:47
Wow Jon, you really are leaping ahead in such big bounds! Can we see both paintings posted?
Comment by Michael J. Severin on October 15, 2013 at 8:35

Hi Jon, what I can see of your painting looks doggone good!!! ....would you mind posting the completed painting so we can all see it?  Sure looks like you nailed your warm and cool greens ..the values looks good ....the composition looks good .....Todo esta' bien!

Comment by Jon Main on October 15, 2013 at 8:32

Thanks, Aurelia - might be an idea to slow down and think a bit more ;( . I hate small paintings - it's not reasoable or logical or good for learning - but there you go - I want something I can get back and look at (admire all the mistakes!)

Comment by Aurelia Sieberhagen on October 15, 2013 at 8:11

I like it.  I am impressed with your canvas size for an plein air and also think you did a lot in one day!  Wow!

Comment by Jon Main on October 15, 2013 at 7:34

Thanks for commenting, Manneherrin. Well, the horizon's in the centre, the house is centered - and has Mickey mouse ears... etc - but it's difficult to get it right outside! Maybe the last outing of this year? There were a lot of spectators - bit unnerving when you turn round and there're 20 people watching every gesture. I sold the one I did in the afternoon tho'!!

Comment by Manneherrin on October 15, 2013 at 5:31

i like this texture, color,definately the shadow/light composition.. only things that i can think of is that the windows are not like the building's. 


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