Was at a plein air event yesterday - lots of visitors (they even announced it on local radio!) - not many artists!(my painting looks like something you dig up in a junk shop - and it's still on the easel - is that what they call vintage style?! ;( )

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Comment by Jon Main on November 22, 2013 at 7:47

Hi, Michael - yep, it's me! - didn't you recognize the clonky style! ;D This is a nice site! (thanks for the comment - good idea!)

Comment by Michael Lang on November 22, 2013 at 6:41

Hello Jon, I think you must be the Jon from VAA. Didn't realise it before. You've come a long way and this is a lovely painting. Just a small comment: I think if you made the darkest darks a bit darker, the whole painting would pop more.



Comment by Jon Main on October 17, 2013 at 5:56

Hey, Britt! - ta!

Comment by Britt Greenland on October 16, 2013 at 12:36

That's a lot of different greens in different planes SO successfully done (something I admire because I find it quite difficult!).

Good on ya!

Comment by Jon Main on October 16, 2013 at 7:10

Thanks to all (too many to name there!) for

a) the comments

b) the tips

c) the encouragement!  :) - you'all are vey kind guys

Comment by Michael Chomse on October 15, 2013 at 17:53

Hey Jon. I like your story of courage under fire. That shows a real commitment to the painting process.

Well done on the sale. I think the composition you chose is difficult to pull off, but you seemed to have managed admirably. Strangely enough, I painted almost the exact same composition at the same time as you. (adjusted for the other side of the world...) Different subject, but also plein air. Very cool!

As everyone said, please post the pictures so we can see them. But at the same time, thanks for posting this view. It says so much about the process, which is great to know and appreciate. 

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on October 15, 2013 at 14:54

Jon, your painting looks very good to me.  Is that the second one under it (or is that just your palette?)?  If it's your other painting, then, great abstract and frame it.  If it is your palette, then it's got some real good grays on it.   Keep it up!  One tip, step back more, because you can't see your errors when you are "in the painting"  and you have to "get out of the painting to see them".  I do the same thing; I get focused and stand there and paint.   I'm thinking of using the alarm on my cell phone and setting it to go off every 30 minutes so that I remember to step back and take in the whole painting.   I was just told this the other day when I was out plein air painting by a friend who is a teaching artisit; and I know this, but do I do it?  Absolutely not, because you get swallowed up in the moment.  I take a large bottle of water with me, but do I stop and take a drink now and then?  Absolutely not!  Not until I finish up do I realize that I have been thirsty all along.   Very good work and easy to fix the little problems.   Yes your house is centered, but if you had stepped back early on during the sketching on the canvas you probably would have seen that.   Hang in there; you will improve with practice.     Stu

Comment by Ann Turner on October 15, 2013 at 13:19

Hey Jon! Looking good, I think the composition OK. It is in the middle but you have broken it up by the placement of that tree with the nice sky holes and the reddish bush on the right side. I like the road leading us in and the dark shadow area in the right foreground to anchor the painting. I also am aamazed with your palette. Do you use both surfaces and what is the palette that you have started with ? You are making great progress with Plein air challenge.

Comment by Manneherrin on October 15, 2013 at 11:37

oh how awesome to sell a painting.. Its hard to let a baby go...

Comment by Jessica Futerman on October 15, 2013 at 9:28

Beautiful, Jon!  It looks very finished for a few hours work!  


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