Hmm... hard going!

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Comment by Jon Main on July 26, 2014 at 4:51

Yeah, I see what you mean, thanks, Ian!

Comment by Jon Main on July 25, 2014 at 21:17

Well, guys, truth be told, I'd given up -especially as I meant to have much sparser, higher foliage on the left side trees (there was a row of far trees behind them!)

- but I will try to advance it as per your suggestions. If I believed in it, I would redo it trying for a coll silvery light (so complete tunraorund!), but I don't feel the basic concept's got much in it...

Comment by Thomas Ruckstuhl on July 24, 2014 at 8:13
Good going. Guess you should use a bigger brush, especially for the foreground. That would create flat color areas that bring out your detailed work on other areas better. Maybe pushing saturation of the greens could help, to compliment the reds. I like your compostions a lot!


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