Seeing as I have no new subjects (yikes!), I thought I'd run this one through again... .

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Comment by Jon Main on July 29, 2014 at 4:18
Thanks, Ann, normally I do it like that, but somehow couldn't seem to get it to work (maybe my water values were too light?) I've had a few more attempts - but I'm a bit lost for now.

Thanks, Michael, my idea was to have the water dark - I guess it would be better with rich tones, some warm...?!?
Comment by Ann Turner on July 28, 2014 at 17:56

The top 1/2 of your painting is great with good space and value planning. The water is a little confusing. Reflections should reflect the color of the area but still follow the form of the water. Bring the reflected color down into the water with vertical strokes and then softly horizontal for ripples. At least that is the way that I try to do it.

Comment by Michael J. Severin on July 28, 2014 at 9:12

Jon, You do not need ..nor want show so much detail in the reflections of the boat and trees.  Your white lines and orange reflection are much, much to bright and hard edged, and just to solid and in your fact, they are not even needed. The orange cabin would be a very soft, subtle shape  after you have painted your water roof, no windows, no bright orange... ..the white lines just squiggly shapes .if their at all.   The reflection of your trees:  once again, too hard edged between the dark and light ...those values should be very close and very subtle. 

Comment by Jon Main on July 28, 2014 at 8:10

Thanks, Betsy - you're right - summer! in France! oh, yes :) !

Comment by Betsy Jenkins on July 28, 2014 at 7:38
Nothing wrong with exploiting the subject in myriad ways. I like this one very much and wish I was there right about now, drinking a glass of wine and watching the boats and people go by.


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