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Comment by Reid Barton on September 11, 2013 at 14:26

Hi Catherine. Thanks for the pat on the back.  So, how is your new workshop painting coming???

Comment by Catherine Spencer on September 4, 2013 at 18:35
Hey Reid (and fellow Canuck). Have you been to Whistler ....i'm pretty sure Black Tusk Mtn (an old volcano) looks just like that...pretty much most of the winter - big and black and imposing. I really like this one - love, love, love your sky !! Your choice of colours is perfect. And yes, it does look like a Quiller (he's from calgary isnt he) - us canadians have some pretty awesome painters, " EH? "
Comment by Reid Barton on August 17, 2013 at 9:09

Hi Linda, thank you for your comments. Yes, a tried can true Canuck. You sure are right about that black mountain. Why in the world would there be a black mountain in a snow scene? They are acrylics. I use them in probably the silliest way possible. I don't lay out a pallet of colors before or during a project. I use only one or two colors at one time (on the pallet.) Acrylics dry out so darn fast even if I use one of those wet thingys under the paint and even when I use some kind of medium. I don't know how other people do it. So if I'm painting say the warmer blue, I'll mix a bit of that and paint away. Then when I need a cooler blue, I'll mix that and go at it, only using a tad at a time. That's probably why the sky is only red, yellow and orange. I probably had red on the pallet, applied that, put some yellow on it, did the same and mixed them for the orange. Makes it impossible to blend for sure but the way I see it, when I have a bunch of colors, they are all dried out by the time I get to them. Talk about cheap hey. 

Comment by Linda L. Kano on August 16, 2013 at 16:27

Very good choice of colors Reid...a Canadian winter sunset!  ...I think I noticed you are from Canada. Not sure that the dark mountain without any snow is realistic but then art doesn't have to be realistic.  Are you painting with acrylics?



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