oil on canvas, 55 x 60 cm, unfinished...

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Comment by Jon Main on April 27, 2013 at 21:51

Stu, I took the ref photo the moment there was a ray of sun broke through - and then exagerrated the effect - so you're right! Actually, the photo flatters (unfortunately) the painting which is rather dull and inert looking - "leaden". I've just done a quick watercolor of the same scene - much higher key and more vibrant/full of light. That's triggered quite a few questions in my mind... (eg the fact that oils naturally "gray" down, value compression vs contrast/clear value structure, paint thickness, and etc.)

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 27, 2013 at 14:49
Jon,nice painting, but your blue in the sky, your dark cast shadows and your yellowish lighted areas all suggest just a sunny day with scattered clouds. I would not repaint this, but I would rename it. Stu


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