Plein air oil on canvas panel 9" by 12". I went out painting in Gilroy with Ann Turner and Laura Xu, but just as I finished my block in the weather changed from a drizzle to a downpour. There is an art gallery inside the red barn and I went in with Marianne Eichenbaum who was hosting the event and finished it up looking out a window at the colors outside.

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Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 29, 2014 at 21:52
Thanks Michael. I just finished a 3 day plein air workshop and painted all day in the rain the first day, so I have learned to just make the best of it. Any day, rain or shine, when you paint outdoors is better than a day with no painting. Stu
Comment by Michael Chomse on April 29, 2014 at 21:46

Hey Stu, nice to see you(r) painting. Pity about the rain, but it doesn't seem to have dampened things too much.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 2, 2014 at 4:48

Laura, send me your email contact and I will have Bob Amos who runs our Saturday paint outs add you to the contact list.   In the Winter, we usually don't go out until about 1pm,  and in Summer about 9 or 10 am or in the afternoon.   We have a fun group with some really good painters and some art teachers.    Since we are friends on the site, send me the email as a message so that it just goes to me and it doesn't go viral.   Thanks for your compliments.    Stu

Comment by Laura Xu on April 2, 2014 at 4:34

Wow Stu! This is so so beautiful!!! It looks much more beautiful than real scene. I am so happy painted with you and Ann. We will definitely paint together again. I am happy for you to involve so many plein air now. I will love to join you paint in Marin County if there is any chance.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 2, 2014 at 2:19
Keeping busy leaves little time for acting and feeling old and drives away depression--thought for the day! Stu
Comment by deb hill on April 2, 2014 at 2:03

Wow! so glad for those who have survived and are still acting "YOUNG"! Sounds like some exciting events in your life...very good!

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 2, 2014 at 1:17
Deb, I think Richard is still tweaking the pieces of the group painting. I know he's been gone for awhile and that he's still working on his "Mastering Sunsets" DVD course. I joined the Board of Directors of my local artist group MOS or Marin Open Studios. We just started an outdoor painting group about a year and a half ago; we're up to over 40 artists and our first show opens today with our gala tonight; 20 artists and 37 paintings all from Marin County Parks and Open Space Preserves. So, I've been treading water. Got to get my home studio in order for the open studios weekend tours in May. I'm part of the way done putting in a new sink and my studio is a big mess, so painting mainly outdoors is a necessity. Busy, busy, busy. I've already done the whole Medicare number and I'm determined not to let myself "feel" or act any older. This works most of the time. Nice to hear from you. Stu
Comment by deb hill on April 2, 2014 at 0:59

yes, I saw that you were with the ladies and that is so great. Your up coming trip sounds wonderful. Will look forward to see the product. I was able to paint like crazy for 2 months and have been able to sell 6 paintings this month. One sale was very interesting. A lady saw the painting, told her daughter about it. The daughter contacted me, sent a check from CA. The lady picked up the painting and bought a second one of my paintings! How fun that was. I have been making a lot of jewelry and have two sale/shows coming, one this weekend. Got and Square and hoping to use it! I also have some little dresses to make for my granddaughters. I have to get my new drivers license and sign up for Medicare. Getting old in denial! My house is dirty, creativity is going full force! Love the Broken Color that Richard is presenting now. Will be very fun to see what everyone does. Some how I missed the out come of the painting collogue. How do I find that???? Have a great week.

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on April 2, 2014 at 0:38
Hi Deb. Yeah, this is much looser than my studio work. I'm getting better at alla prima painting. In June I am going to Wisconsin to participate in the Cedarburg Plein Air Festival; 160 artists, 12 days of plein air painting and multiple competitions and sales events. I am painting anything, anywhere in any weather getting ready. The frosting on the cake was meeting Laura Xu and her husband and painting with Ann Turner and Laura. One of Ann's art students was hosting the paint out. On a stormy day like that, I just had to paint that red barn because it put the saturated color in with the grays. I'm expecting variable weather in Wisconsin in June. I'm staying with my son who's a pediatric surgeon in Milwaukee, and my wife and I will be able to celebrate our youngest grandchild's fifth birthday while we're there. Superfun painting trip. How have you been Deb, and what have you been up to? Stu
Comment by deb hill on April 2, 2014 at 0:06

Hi, friend. This is so different from what I have seen you do. I didn't think it was YOU! Weather event too.


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