Oil on canvas - 12x15

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Comment by Nancy Sands on June 2, 2012 at 19:08
Pauline, I really like how unique your painting is. Great critique by Richard. He made so many really positive comments about your beautiful painting. Good for you.
Comment by Pauline Le Merle on June 2, 2012 at 2:45

Thanks to all of you for your enthusiastic and uplifting comments.  It was indeed an honour to have Richard critique my painting and yes Dor, it was a wonderful surprise! There are so many things to learn about the art of painting and all of us are like sponges soaking it all up and hoping for that one painting which appeals to a wider audience.  You experienced that last month with your gorgeous still life Li.   I have read through my critique a few times now (as you do!) and plan to revisit this work of art and make the final changes.  Denise i hope you do tackle one of the photos i would love to see it.  Thanks Stu for taking the time to have a look at my work much appreciated.  Thank you Susie, Yes Richard definately has the knack of scrutinising a painting doesn't he, i used to cringe when people looked so closely at my work, because i didn't want them to see the faults. I feel different about that now!! Just as well i guess on this site. Lol :-)) 

Comment by Stuart J. Gourlay on June 1, 2012 at 15:36
Nice work Pauline. I missed this painting when I looked through them all last weekend. Stu
Comment by Ningning Li on June 1, 2012 at 14:56

Pauline, Your work is beautiful . I also learned important things from Richard's critiques about your painting. Happy for you.

Comment by susie gregory on June 1, 2012 at 12:27

love this and love richard's comments...

Comment by Denise Maxwell on June 1, 2012 at 8:46

Pauline this is a very appealing painting and it made me think I did want to tackle one of these photos after all. I loved your color harmony and the way you did the shadows. I love Richard's critique on this, its very helpful having pointed out such subtle things that will help this painting pop even more.

Comment by Dorian Aronson on June 1, 2012 at 8:43

Hi Pauline

What a wonderful surprise for you.  Having Richard's critique is an honor.  Now I will go and read it because I learn so much from his critiques.  Just wish it would transfer to my hand that holds a  brush................Smiles to you


Comment by Richard Robinson on May 31, 2012 at 19:10

Ah, sorry guys, wish I had time to critique them all. Nice to have all my stupendous wisdom in such high demand though. :-)

Comment by Patricia Genever on May 31, 2012 at 18:05

Pauline, congratulations on getting a commentary from Richard!!!  :)))

Comment by Richard Robinson on May 31, 2012 at 17:52

painting   Resource Photo
"Red Rocks" 12x15" Oil by Pauline Le Merle   Resource Photo


Congratulations Pauline on a really interesting and appealing design. It has the classic S-curve pulling our eye through the canvas and plenty of variety. The shapes are beautifully organic with your own distinctive rhythm to them. The only thing I would have changed is the rock kissing the top of the canvas - moved slightly up or down it wouldn't draw so much attention to the edge.


You have simplified your colour and kept and eye on your light and shadow families which is what we were focusing on in the workshop and you've done well to keep that green subdued in most places except it seems to jump out a little in the midground. I particularly like your little rocks in the foreground which add so much interest and lead your eye into the painting. The colours in your shadows are nicely varied and for the most part painted with thin paint which is good to see. You could have lightened the darks in the background to add more depth to the painting as they are tending to flatten the image out at the moment by bringing the background forward. It's good to see you did lighten and blue the big cast shadow on the ground as it receded though.


Your brushwork is really interesting in its variety but there are a few places I personally would have removed some detail like the midground bushes and that little speckled bush right in the foreground. Your tree is in need of a bit of reshaping with a stronger sense of light and shade and that dark crevice in the rock behind it isn't helping much. The rocks just to the right of the tree could do with some stronger shadows to give them some more obvious form.

Overall you've done a great job and I hope those few tips help in some way.


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