Hmm, not as good as the first. Michael's got a lot of lovely subtleties in there - I just wanted better values/value grouping and color temperatures, ah well. Onward!

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Comment by Jon Main on June 19, 2013 at 4:38

Hi, Linda - sorry I forgot to thank you for your initial comment - thanks for the encouragement!!!

Re my PS - On my French sketching/drawing forum site; the members organized various activities, crits, etc. but one could also understand that initiatives could be a source of potential problems - the best thing would be ask Richard and clearly state one has his OK, I guess

Comment by Linda L. Kano on June 19, 2013 at 1:19

I agree with Jon's PS.  I cannot find any "guidelines" for this site so we should ask him. 

Comment by Jon Main on June 18, 2013 at 18:53

PS Well, you could ask Richard if he's OK with folks giving in-depth help or not?!  ?

Comment by Jon Main on June 18, 2013 at 18:52

OK, great. I'll work on it some more trying to integrate the crits you just made + those from the first version - which I don't seem to have got so far. The photo is so bad it's untrue!! - so I'll work on it and rephoto it - just trying to learn rather than get a finished effort (not enough time spent/work on "detail" for that anyway. Tanks for taking the time, Michael!

Comment by Michael J. Severin on June 18, 2013 at 12:23

Hi Jon.  I really like this one also!!!  In fact, after seeing your granite monolith, I realized that mine was too high chroma I did a revision on my painting based on your colors.  I also changed a few other things,  I am not going to re post the revised painting, but I sent it out to those that were involved in copying the demo.  I was going to send you the revised version, but I see we are not on each others friend list ..for some reason?  Linda, I took everything down because I was afraid that Richard might get upset at someone giving lessons on HIS website?  But I will try and sneak the other lesson in this week, but take it down before the end of the month. Jon, everything looks good on this ....the path, though, should mimic the colors of the cliff, but with a little more warm tones.  As your meadow recedes, make the grasses a little grayer and cooler.  Get a better shape other then that triangle of trees at the upper left ...soften the edges with the rock color a little .  On that far mountain peak, try this:  White + UB + Raw Sienna + a lttle bit of AC.  OR:  White, TOR + UB and White. OR:  White, UB + AC + a little yellow.  Make the shadows on that dome a little cooler and it can be blue/violet in hue? ..anyway try it.  That little peak way in the distance, the same thing but a little cooler and less contrast between the light side and the dark side.  When you see my revised painting, you will probably want to change the trees on the hillside? ..up to you.  If you decide not to do it the way I did, make that area a somewhat grayed green/blue, then scumble a warm note over the top.

Comment by Linda L. Kano on June 18, 2013 at 9:25

Jon, I don't know about that....There are things about this painting I like better than the other one.  Sometimes when we work on something for a while we can't judge our work very well.  Looking forward to Michael's critique. Such a good learning experience.  I want to try it again someday too.


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